A half hour later, he replies. He must be up late or having trouble sleeping. That’s no fun, but I’m thrilled to hear from him.

TJ: Me too. Can’t wait to see you today. Also, there’s a gift for you at the front desk of your hotel. It arrived in the nick of time. Grab it before you catch your flight soon. Please.

My frustration slinks away as I answer him.

Jude: I love gifts. What is it?

TJ: Open it, Jude. I’m going back to sleep. I need to rest up before you return.

Jude: Yes, you definitely need to rest up since I have plans for you.

TJ: Mmm... I like being on your to-do list.

Jude: You are all of the list.

I stop at the concierge desk on my way to the airport, excited about the gift. The clerk hands me a package, and I thank him, then rip off the brown butcher paper from An Open Book.

I freeze.

This is the last thing I expected—a copy ofTop-Notch Boyfriend.Why is he sending me his book now? Is this his way of taking me up on my offer to help sort out any continuity issues with the crossover?

I turn the book over, read the jacket copy I already know, about the best friend’s-brother romance between an illustrator and a violinist.Jackson and Liam are full of charm, banter, and heat, one reviewer says.These two heroes stole my whole heart with their connection,another writes.

My stomach twists, but it’s time for me to brave this tale of his past love. I’ve dreaded this moment, but I suppose it was inevitable that someday I’d have to read the story Flynn inspired. TJ needs me, and this is such a TJ way of asking for help.

I pat the cover, like that settles that, when a bookmark slips out. No, wait. It’s a piece of stationery from my former store.Under the logo forAn Open Book,it looks like someone from the shop has written a message.

But the words are TJ’s.

I want you to read this. Trust me. I think you’ll like it. I think you’ll know why.




Slade’s booked on a flight an hour before me, and I couldn’t be happier that I won’t have to make conversation with him. When I settle into my seat on the plane, I crack open the novel to the first page, diving into the prologue when the heroes meet.


That feels . . . familiar.

Then, when Liam calls himself Definitely Liam, this feels like déjà vu, and my breath catches.

Like Just Jude.

Could this be...? No, I can’t think that. But maybe, just maybe, I can.

My eager fingers flip to the next page and the next. To Liam showing Jackson the best art supply shops in the city since Jackson’s new in town. To notes they leave each other as they bond over their shared love of art. To the clock ticking until one of them has to leave town.

With each chapter, my heart expands. I can’t believe this story was right before my eyes all along. For eight hours, I devour this romance and the Easter Eggs in it just for me.

He hid our love story insideTop-Notch Boyfriend.

No one else would think a best friend’s brother romance between an illustrator and a violinist was inspired by—I stop my thoughts because even privately, I have to whisper the answer reverently—inspired by us.

But I know the secret of this story.