“Please, baby, I need this more than anything. Please touch me.” I beg. I grind against his hard cock, not being able to help it. I’m careful to keep my calf high on his leg and move just my core. He feels so fucking good. His cock twitches as he groans again, then gently rolls me over and climbs on top of me.
“Fine, but we do this my fucking way. I won't risk you hurting yourself. I need you still.” He whispers in my ear as he softly kisses under my ear before moving down my neck.
He slowly slides his hands up my thigh before grabbing my ass in a hard grip and grinding against my pussy. I can't hold the moan in. His hands slide to my waist, and slowly, he pulls my shirt up, being careful with my arm and my leg before he leans down and takes my hard nipple into his mouth. He doesn't spend much time there; instead, he moves up and kisses my neck before reaching my ear.
“I want to spend all the time in the world sucking every fucking inch of your perfect body.” I moan my agreement, then want to kick his ass when he chuckles and continues. “But, I won't be doing any of that until you are fully healed, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I won't hurt you.”
Tears threaten to fall as my heart overfills with love for this man. How did I go so long without him? I always knew I had to care for myself and look out for myself, and then I met him. The man who broke down my independence made me want to hand over the reins because I ultimately knew that everything he did was in my best interest.
“I love you so much,” I whisper as he carefully pulls my leg up his hip and slowly starts to enter me. “I was so scared when I thought I might never see you again,” I admit.
He stops when he’s fully inside me, and I can't help it when my eyes roll to the back of my head or the groan that leaves my mouth as he squeezes my ass in a bruising grip. He doesn't move or even twitch, he just waits until my eyes meet his before replying.
“You're mine, and I’m never letting you go again. I’m so sorry I didn't protect you, Tootsie. You are my everything, and I was so close to los..” He tries to choke out the last word, but I don't let him finish.
I grab his face in my hands and kiss him with everything in me as he slowly moves inside me. I feel wetness slide down my cheeks and the feeling of my sensitive nipples rubbing against his chest, catching his piercing, making a chill run down my body in pleasure. I nip at the hoop hanging from his lip, and he groans, moving faster inside me. The feel of his piercings sliding inside my channel is unfathomable. I can feel each piercing both individually and all at once; it's a complete out-of-body experience, and before long, it brings me to the biggest climax of my life.
I’m left exhausted. I'm barely able to keep my eyes open, but cannot remove the satisfied smile from my lips. I fall asleep to my man, my hero, my everything slowly pulling out of me while muttering,
“You’re mine, Toots. All. Fucking. Mine.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
The night after the incident, I woke to find Lyra gone and our bed empty. I couldn’t stop the panic raging through my soul at not knowing where she was. I raced through the clubhouse until I got to the common room. There, I found every single one of my brothers sitting around a table in the middle of the common room.
“We woke to the same thing, brother. Beds empty, and a text telling me they were here. When I came back here to check, I found all the women and kids on pallets in the safe room. Come, take a seat,” Swift says.
“Your Old Lady is safe and sound in there as well. I watched her go in myself,” Hitter says.
I asked Lyra later that day if sleeping in that room would make her feel safer. I would be right there with her. She put my heart at ease. Seems the women just needed to feel that safety with them and their kids, the one day they were robbed of. They wanted to accomplish something by staying there all night. Ourbeautiful, stubborn, strong-willed women. That was the only night I woke alone.
Now, it’s been three months since the incident with the Irish, and the women have pretty much acted like nothing ever happened since that night. We are all gathered around the backyard, food spread out, and music playing. Everyone’s here, and life doesn’t get much better than this.
“Well, I guess that’s it… everyone’s all matched up. What the hell are we supposed to do now without all the drama?” Jade jokes.
“I’ll tell you what we do. We take this show on the road! Reckless Motorcycle Match Makers!” Halle yells, and is met with silence. “Okay, I’m still working on the name. I’ll get back to you on that. Time to enjoy the show!” Halle yells again as she runs across the back, close to the clearing. We all look around, confused.
“What show?” I ask. I lift a brow at Lyra, but I can tell by her confused look she's not in on this one, either.
“What about one last bet there, Grease? If Halle kills someone with her little “show,” you have to get Club Slut tattooed as a tramp stamp,” Grim jokes.
“What happens if I win?” I smirk at him.
“Don't even think about it. You are not taking that bet!” Lyra growls. “As much as I love all your piercings and tattoos, it's time to retire before you both somehow figure out a way to up the ante.”
“Agreed.” Jade physically shivers.
“I got the fireworks out of the shed, and someone left some sparklers in the back of the truck. Grabbed those too. Let’s light the sky!” Halle says, looking back at her handy work.
“Uhh, Halle, where did you say you found the sparklers?” Rodeo asks with a nervous tilt to his voice.
“Back of the van. Why?”
“Fuck! Those weren’t sparklers, Halle! That was Dynamite! Everyone RUN!” Comp screams.
This will forever be my life, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.