“I really thought I was a shoo-in to win this one, Toots. The only rule was that as long as it wasn't Halle who made the plan, I would win. There are eight of you! The odds seemed good,” I rush it all out, chattering away and unable to stop. I try to defend myself, but I know there is no hope.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Jade holds her hands up. “So Halle had to make the plan to sneak out for Grease to lose, right? If anyone else made the escape plan, Grim loses, right?”
She has a devious look on her face, and I'm curious about what she has up her sleeve.
“Yup, that was the rules, and as my beautiful, amazing, and might I add, downright ravishing woman has pointed out. Halle was behind it, and you lost.” I want so badly to wipe that mother fucking smug ass smile off his face.
“Hate to break it to you, sweet love of my life, but you lost. Halle mentioned wanting food, but it was actually Piper's idea to spice up the night with a sneak out.” Jade smiles evilly. “Look’s like you’ll be getting that piercing I’ve been begging for after all.”
Grim groans, and I whoop as loudly as I can. All I can think is…. Oh, sweet victory.
The night ends with takeout we had already ordered and prepared. We eat together as a family, my woman, and my Tootsie in my lap. Laughing and cutting up with the people I call my family. Life couldn't be any better than this.
The only thing better is finishing off the night by stripping down my woman. She bares herself to me, and I can’t resist trailing my fingers along the smooth expanse of skin she reveals.
“Don’t stop, Cooper…” she moans, using my real name. That settles that.
My fingers slide over her abdomen and glide over her peaked nipple to cup her breast. She lets out a soft gasp as I gently squeeze her between two fingers. The soft but firm flesh making me want to take her fully into my arms and caress every inch of her.
“Cooper, I want you,” she says, placing her hand over mine and squeezing it to herself.
“I wantyou” is all I can get out before her mouth meets mine in a fiery kiss. Her arms fly around my neck, one hand tangling inmy hair and the other sliding underneath my shirt. Her passion sets me on fire with want, wanting her kiss, wanting her body, wanting release. I shift her to straddle me, and she becomes instantly aware of my raging hard-on as she rocks against it, driving me further and further insane. She slides her hand from behind my back and down my waistband between us, stroking me in ways that I could never achieve on my own, and it almost sends me over the edge.
“Mmmm, I think someone needs some attention,” she says, sliding off of me and pulling me free of my pants. She begins to slowly kiss her way up my leg, pausing with her cheek ever so slightly brushing my throbbing cock. With a devious smirk, she takes me into her mouth and slowly works me with her hand. The sensation overtakes me, and before I can distract myself, I release hard and quick into her mouth.
Shit. Just when I thought we would get somewhere. She catches her breath and looks up at me through her lashes, “Oh no, we’re not done yet, mister,” she says. The sight of her fully naked sends me right back to firm and ready for more. “Slide down, babe,” she says, helping me lay down. Once I’m settled, she puts a hand on my chest and leans forward, dragging her breasts across my chest as she positions herself. She gently tilts backward, and I feel her slowly slide down every inch of my cock. She gently rocks herself upright and works her hips to drive my full length deep inside of her as she shudders in pleasure. My hands go to her legs, hips, and waist, feeling the wonder of her body as her legs flex as she rides me up and down, up and down. Grabbing my hand, she pulls it up to her breast and begs to be squeezed and handled, which I am happy to oblige.
She picks up speed, and her need can be felt with every squeeze and twitch of muscle around my cock. I move my hand behindher back and pull her forward, dropping her nipple into my mouth for a lick and suck, which sends her gasping and writhing for more. Nipping at her, I thrust up into her, matching her rhythm, and feel the urgency rising between us. I pull her head down and kiss her, our tongues writhing in time with our bodies, when she suddenly pulls back and leans harder into every thrust, her body clamping down on me as I push into her. She lets out a scream as the orgasm takes her and sets me off once again, flexing and pulsing into her.
She collapses into my chest with a giddy giggle as we both bask in the high we just shared. I caress her back, drawing shapes in her sweat as we feel each other inside and out. I squeeze her into a tight hug, and she lets out a little squeak in protest.
I whisper into her ear, “Lyra, my fucking love.”
I lay in bed after the hottest fucking night of my life and just stare at the woman who came into my life, turned it upside down, and showed me the best parts of life by righting my shit. I push some hair out of her face as she sleeps in my arms. I would give everything I am to have this every single day to come home. To know that she would always be in my bed waiting for me. I can't help but smile at my luck. I don't deserve this feisty female, but I sure as hell ain't giving anyone else a chance.
My smile drops when there's a soft knock at my door. Untangling myself from Lyra, I pull on some boxers and slowly make my way to the other side of the room. I open the door, noticing Swift out in the hallway. I step out and gently close the door behind me.
“Hey, Prez, what's up?” I know this can't be good if he’s coming to my door in the middle of the night.
“I’m calling church tomorrow, but I needed to give you a heads up before anyone else, seeing as it involves your old lady. I got a call,” he says, and my heart sinks. I have a feeling I know where this is going, but I had hoped it wouldn't come to this.
“Ghost left me a message, and Comp just confirmed it. Comp is doing all he can to get it taken down, but bids have already been taken. Ghost and his team are in the middle of a mission, but he’s trying to close it up and get back to help but…” He’s saying all this, but I need him to give it to me straight.
“Tell me, Prez,” I plead.
“There has been a kill order put out on your woman, and we have confirmed there have already been contractors in the area.”
My world shifts, and the darkness clouds my vision. They want my woman dead, and they are on their way to our front door.
Over my fucking dead body.
Chapter Twenty
“Church fifteen minutes,” Swift announces to the room before leveling his stare at me. “Lyra, Darlin’, you’re gonna need to sit in on this one.”
My heart picks up speed. There is only one reason I would need to sit in at church, and I’m not sure I’m ready to burst the happiness bubble I’ve been floating in the last few months. How can things be so good, and the minute I finally find my footing, something else pops up? It’s not fair.