“I’ll leave that kinky shit to you two. Me and my lady will stick with the traditional shit,” Loki scoffs as he blows Halle a kiss,followed by grabbing his junk and thrusting it her way. Halle swoons at him, and I swear I see red fucking hearts in his eyes.
“Says the exhibitionist.” Comp rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his beer.
“Hey, fucker! You and your lady ain't so secretive either, or Halle and I wouldn't have caught y'all in the armory with Sunny’s legs..”
“Watch it!” Comp warns, but I tune them all out, just watching Lyra finally let go and join the women of the club.
Finally, she is getting to bond fully, with no holding back. I can see it in her smile and in the smiles of those around her. I don't know how long I watch her until I feel my feet moving on their own accord as they take me to the object of my obsession. The one I can finally touch, shower with attention, and hold on to for the rest of my life. The guys move in behind me, just as desperate to get to their women. I don't stop until I have my arms around her waist and my face shoved into the curve of her neck. I kiss the soft skin there and smile at her shiver.
“Mmm, you taste so good. When can we leave again?” I ask, wanting to show her the last surprise I have for her. Hopefully, the surprise leads to happier and more pleasurable times. Still, I’d be content to just show her the deed to the land I bought on the lake with the rest of the family. I have the contractor set to start building next month. All Lyra has to do is tell me what her dream home is, and I’m ready to give it to her. I’ve been saving for years to give my future family everything they could ever want, and I’m ready to start yesterday.
“One last surprise. Halle, this one's for you!” Lyra says, pointing over Halle's shoulder as Tizzy walks out in her circus outfit,holding a matching one with fishnet stockings and black leather knee-high-heeled boots.
“Mama Tizzy! Please tell me that’s what I think it is?” Halle nearly screeches.
“Well, if you think it's your very own circus outfit to match Mama Tizzy’s, then sugar britches, you would be right on the money! I even have a routine set out for us!” Tizzy shimmies and Halle screeches in delight as she runs straight at her and nearly tackles her. We all laugh.
“Hey, sugar plum, you should take us to that gym where you used to teach pole dancin’ classes last year. I know you hated it when you had to quit…”
“MOMMMM!!!!” Lyra yells, then winces when she sees everyone look her way. Mine included. What the fuck did she say?
“Secret pole dancing classes,” Tizzy whispers with a small wince.
“I’m sorry, I must have heard wrong. I could have sworn she said you were teaching pole dancing classes while living here, but that can't be correct.” Piper crosses her arms and lifts a brow at Lyra.
Lyra’s eyes are huge and scared, and she probably thinks she’s in trouble for teaching a class like that while nannying for the kids.
“You fucking bitch! What kind of sister are you!” Halle nearly clutches her pearls in dramatics, but we all ignore her on that one, though Izzy is the one to mutter
“Pahleasseee, we have all seen, or in my case heard, you and Loki screwing like bunnies all over this place.” We chuckle, but then attention turns right back to Lyra.
“So that's how you stayed so damn fit. You told me it was healthy eating!” Sunny yells in an accusatory tone.
“That's why your knees and thighs always looked bruised and beat up. I have to say, love, that one is a relief to know. I was just about to tear you a new one until you admitted what was happening, but then they just… disappeared,” Jade adds on.
“Thank the good lord Grease didn't see those,” Ophelia mutters, and I growl because she’s not wrong. I would have probably hunted down and beat the shit out of every male that walked through those fucking gym doors if I would have found out.
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you all. I’m sorry I was teaching the class while watching your children.” Lyra winces.
“Why are you sorry? I’m impressed you slipped it by me. I knew you had a membership to that gym until last year, but I’m impressed I missed the fact that you were also employed there.” Swift smirks.
“It was actually a deal. I got free membership if I taught the class.”
“I’m fucking pissed. You stingy bitch! I could have been using new, fresh, stripper moves on my man years, YEARS ago!” Halle folds her arm.
“Forgive your sister, sugar britches; then we can convince her to teach us her ways!” Tizzy tries and fails to whisper.
“Fine! But only because we’re blood now!” Halle rolls her eyes.
“That's not how that works.” I roll my eyes back and then get a slap to the stomach from my woman.
“Thanks, sis! I would love to teach you ladies some moves if you want to! Where can we set up, or do we need to book a room at the gym? I used the one in the town over, so it's about a forty-minute drive.”
“Oh, I have the perfect place!” Piper starts, but Swift cuts her off.