Page 20 of Grease's Guide

Chapter Fifteen


Walking out back and seeing both Rome and Lyra in tears and hugging, I couldn’t have imagined what the conversation could have been about. However, with Rome, I shouldn’t be surprised. Since coming here, he’s taken over and is trying to be the club's guardian. He’s going to make a fantastic brother one day, but it worries me how fast he wants to grow up, but all we can do is let him work through shit in his own time.

But hearing what he said, man, it fuckin hit me in the chest. I knew he loved hanging out and working with me in the shop, but I didn’t realize how much of a liking the kid had taken to me. If he only knew how much he meant to me. Still, his words eat at something inside me. No matter what I was going through, I should have never let him see me in that fucked up state.

I’m still pondering over that shit as I walk through the common room and into a fucking zoo. Mother fucking son of a bitch! How did I forget today was the club party?

“Forget to tell me something?” Lyra asks from behind me, and I turn and pull her to my chest.

“Yeah, this little shindig might have slipped my mind. In my defense, you’ve had me, Zeus, and his lightning bolts busyerupting Mount Olympus,” I say, waiting for her reaction. She doesn’t disappoint.

“For the love of all Greek mythology, please tell me you didn’t name your junk after the God of Lightning,” she groans.

“You don’t like that one? I guess we could try out Poseidon and his big waves, or Hades and his hellhounds. Oh oh oh if it’s a gender thing, what about Aphrodite? I can almost guarantee my apples are fertile and full of love and passion.” I wink at that one and she can’t help but burst into laughter.

“I was thinking more along the lines of Charon and his Obols,” she snickers. My brows draw low as I run through all my knowledge on this subject.

“Wait, is Charon the ferryman in that boat thing?” I ask in outrage. “You wouldn’t even give me Demi-God status?”

She throws her head back and laughs loudly. I’m just about to throw her over my shoulder and show her what a god is…. Well, maybe. Before I can, Swift steps up to me.

“Hey brother, got something for you in church,” Swift says, clapping a hand on my shoulder. I have a feeling of what it might be, but I don’t want to get my hopes up. I never asked or told anyone about Lyra becoming my old lady, but that shit doesn’t mean fuck all to the other women of the club. We walk in, and I stop dead in my tracks. On the center of the table is a vest… and right there in big, bold letters, it says “PROPERTY OF GREASE”

Fuck just seeing her cut, marked… yeah, lightning a coming; can you hear the thunder? But this isn’t the time to get a hard-on, not with my Prez in the room.

“You sure you’re all good with this? I know the brothers are, but what about the old ladies? Rome’s already voiced his concerns.” I smirk and shake my head at the memory.

“The women have always known your connection to her. You two were the only ones that needed to catch up. They love Lyra, well, Becky, then, I guess, but they completely understand where she was coming from. Hell, half of them did the same thing she did. They have no ill will toward her, brother. None of us do. She’s helped raise the next generation, man. She was family, whether you took your head out of your ass or not.” With that, he squeezes my shoulder again and turns to leave.

“I think it’s time to get this show on the road and claim my woman,” I say, picking up the cut reverently.

“It’s about fucking time,” Swift says, turning and walking out. I take a minute, just wanting to get my wits about me.

This is one of the most important moments of my life. This is the day I claim my woman in front of my family and my club. This is everything and our world; the only thing I can do is think… will she accept? We’ve talked about being together forever, but I just got her back after she ran away from my club and me. I know I can't keep thinking like this. I can't let this doubt cloud my life and love for Lyra. So I will march out there, claim my woman, and let whatever happened before this moment die right here on this table.

I smile and walk out. Heading down the hall. I make my way to the common room. If I’m going to do this, I’m going to make it big. It is kind of my deal. I don't stop walking until I reach the bar. I place my hands on the bar top and use it as leverage to hop on top.

“Yo, listen up everybody, I got something I want to say!” I yell, making everyone turn to look my way. When everyone is looking, I continue.

“First, I want to say thank you all for the help getting my woman back. It's great to see all of you guys back home. Vice, Drift… it’s been too long, brothers. Cutter, I know you have some people lined up for property tattoos. Well, I’m hoping here in a minute to have you another client. You know I ain't one of the romantic types, especially when it comes to my toots standing back there.” I smirked as I made eye contact with Lyra, who, until now, had been surrounded by all the old ladies and her mama. When her eyes meet mine, though, I’ve got all her attention.

“I promise, tootsie, I'm going to try my best, but you got to be honest; our love is fueled by the romantic barbs we like to exchange, am I right?”

Like I intended, she and everyone else in the room chuckles. Then, I soften my tone.

“I really need you to understand my deep, all-consuming love for you. That love is so loud and bright that I can't help but playfully keep you on your toes. But you are my world. Have been from the beginning. And now, Lyra Loretta Lynn Leman, I need to ask you the most important question of my life.”

“YES YES YES!” she screams.

“Sugarplum, let that man earn this answer. He’s waited patiently for you to get your head out of your rear. You can wait patiently for him to ask his question,” Tizzy speaks out.

“Yes, Mama,” I smirk at that, which has Lyra narrowing her eyes at me.

“Like I was trying to get out before someone tried to steal the spotlight.” I sigh and can hear Lyra’s scoff from here. “You and this club are the best things to ever happen to me, and it would be the best fucking honor on this planet if you would be my old lady and combines my two loves into one… a three-way sort of deal if you will.”

I wait for her answer… again, but all she does is smirk and run from across the room. I jump off the bar top and open my arms as she throws herself into me.