“Of course not! Honestly, I saw the keys. The fact that it was slow was a bonus,” she whispers in that last part, but I still hear it.
“Mama! How could you?” I ask, the sense of betrayal strong. My mamas never, ever betrayed or lied to me. She might have withheld information, but she’s never lied or hurt me before… until now.
“Baby girl, I need you to listen to me, and you listen to me good,” she says, finally turning to look me in the eyes. I’ve only ever seen my mama cry a handful of times, so when I notice the wetness in her eyes and the tears coursing down her face, I know it's time to listen, “No one, and I mean no one, has ever fought for me the way that Demi-God of fire and ice did for you back there. They came for you, baby. Don't you get what that means?”
“I can't bring danger to them, Mama. I can't keep putting everyone I love at risk,” I squeeze out through my rapidly closing throat.
“I didn’t raise you to be a runner, baby. Runnin’ from that town would have been the easy way out, but I knew what the worst situations could be waiting for me and my innocent baby girl. Ialso knew that if I ran… I would have never stopped running,” she says, looking deep within my soul. The wall I’ve been trying to keep building around me, around this situation, crumbles, and I let out a sob.
Her words ring so true. If I don't face this now, I’ll run till the day I die. That's not the life I’ve ever wanted or would ever want. I want love, I want family, I want babies, the white picket fence…
I want roots.
Mama smiles at me as she finally slows to a stop in the middle of the road, and we are surrounded immediately.
“Lord, look at what a sight.” Mama fans herself as we watch, waiting for the shoe to drop. None of them look happy.
I watch Halle hop off the bike, followed by Loki. Loki walks to the front of his bike, and I watch him reach around to the back of his waistband. When his arms come around, I realize he’s holding a gun.
“Oh no. Oh, no.” I start to panic. This can't be happening. Suddenly, a motion from his side catches my attention and I see Halle smack Loki upside the head before taking the gun from his hand. She yells at him, waving the gun in his face. I have no clue what she is saying, but he’s looking at her and the gun with adoration. Then he licks the barrel of the gun, and Halle stops yelling immediately. The smile she shows him has me rolling my eyes. I can't handle the roller coaster that is those two.
“Well, isn't she just the cutest? That has to be Halle! That must make…” Before Mama can finish, my door is ripped open, and I’m pulled into the very strong and very angry arms of Grease.
“I-I…” I start to stutter, but he interrupts me.
“Don't!” he snaps before he growls, looks down at my lips, and mutters, “fuck it,” and the next thing I know, his lips are on mine. I moan into his mouth. His tongue forcing its way into my mouth and demanding my submission. Well, the man kisses like he talks. Bossy and cocky. I smile and return the kiss passionately. All too soon, he pulls back, though. Then he’s staring at me with so much pain it crushes something inside me.
“Alright, men. Back to the compound. The women can ride in the cage. Leave the clown car,” Swift orders.
“Aww… but I wanted to take the clown car! The kids would love it!” Sunny says as she and all the other old ladies file out of the black van I hadn't noticed. I gape at all of them.
“What are all you doing here?” I ask in surprise as I see Jade help Izzy out, then wink and smile my way.
“You’re family, girl. We always come for family,” she says, making tears rush to my eyes.
“We came to bring you home,” Izzy says softly.
“Both of you,” Piper smiles at me softly.
Home. Looking around, my brows draw down. “Where's Ophelia?” I ask.
“She’s still having a rough time with morning sickness.” Rodeo smirks my way proudly. I’m so happy for them. “Her, Trip, and Adam volunteered to stay back with the kids.”
“Do you think we have time to go back for a funnel cake?” Grim asks, his eyes looking back down the road.
“Is that really a good idea? It’s all going to go to your fat ass and stomach,” Loki smirks, sticking a match between his teeth to chew on.
“Take that back right the fuck now! I’m in the best shape of my life!” Grim complains.
“Oh, dad bod is the new healthiest shape? Is that your medical opinion?” Hitter smirks, his arms winding around Izzy.
“To hell with all of you! I’ve got an eight-pack. Count them!” Grim pulls his shirt up, pointing to his abs. “See? Eight. Tell them I’m still sexy as fuck, Clover!” he says, turning to Jade.
“Oh, heavenly gates of gold. Take me away to paradise, sweet angel.” Ah, hell, here we go. “Umm, excuse me… Whoever is in charge? My sugarplum called you President Swiftly,” Mama says from behind me, and I wince at the chuckles.
“You, Ma’am, can call me Swift. I am the Prez of this here biker club.” Swift tips an imaginary hat at her and winks.
“Oh, you’ve gone and done it now,” I mumble, placing my hand on my forehead, waiting for the inevitable. Mama doesn't disappoint.