Page 15 of Grease's Guide

“MAMA!” Lyra gasps.

“Baby sugarplum, I would tell you to tame that wild stallion you got back there, but darlin’, you already have him by the cobblers! Boys whipped and whipped good.” Just as I’m about to reply, Tizzy screeches, “Oh! This is my jam. We’re going to jam out on this road trip! YEE-HAW!!”

“Sure you want to take us back to the clubhouse? She’ll have it wrecked by hour three,” Lyra says, smiling softly. As her eyes meet mine, her smile drops, and she sighs. “Grease, on a serious note, I can't go back. I can't put all of you in danger.”

“We can take care of ourselves,” I growl, then louder when she starts to deny it.

“No! Lyra, you are coming home. That is the end of it. We will protect you. There is nothing more in this life that I want to do. I want to fight with you, I want to protect you, I want to builda life with you! I want you to let me love you! Stop running and just….” I pause, waiting for her to look at me again, needing her to feel the strength and truth in my words. “Just let me love you with everything in me. I'm already there, tootsie. I just need you on board.

“What if someone gets hurt because of me? What if one of the kids gets hurt? I couldn't live with that.” She crumbles as tears stream down her face.

“My brothers and their wives are well aware of the risk and what might come for us. Believe me, it wouldn’t be the first time someone has come after the club. We have measures in place to make sure the kids are well protected. You should know. You’ve been in that panic room before,” he tells me.

“You all do that for family. For old ladies!”

“Woman! When are you going to learn? You. Are. Mine,” I tell her forcefully and then plant my mouth firmly over hers when she protests. She moans, then pulls back quickly.

“Stop doing that! It's distracting!” she says, but I can see she’s trying to hide her smile.

“You are mine, Lyra. And I will fight any war brought to our doorstep to keep you safe, my brothers at my back. Just like I was at their back every time they needed me,” I tell her, cupping the side of her throat. I give it a quick squeeze and watch her lips part, her tongue poking out to wet them. Glistening in the moonlight shining throughout the car.

“You called me Lyra, not Becky.” She smiles. “Why?”

“I just want you to know it's your choice. Whether you want to come back to the compound as Becky or want to start fresh asLyra, I guess, fresh by going back to the past. I mean, not going back. Fuck, that's confusing as fuck, ain't it?” I ask her and smile at the shake of her shoulders. I love getting to see that laughter, finally. I don't notice the music turned down until Tizzy speaks.

“Sugarplum. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you wanted to keep your new name and new identity. It's not like we came from much, baby. You can go back to Becky and dream up castles and ponies with rainbow birthday cakes your dad made. I would have loved to give you that childhood. At least Becky could have had that,” Tizzy says, and though I can tell she's trying to make her voice sound chipper, the pain laces the statement.

“Mama, I’ve never been ashamed of my childhood. I wouldn't trade my life with you for all the ponies or the biggest castle on earth. My childhood and my life with you have made me who I am. I’ve never been ashamed of you, mama. You gave me everything I needed growing up, and you're still doing it now,” Lyra says to her mama over the front seats, then she turns back to me.

“I want to come home… but I’m coming home Lyra Loretta Lynn Leman,” she says, raising her chin. Sitting in the back seat of a clown car, I ride back home with my woman, my queen, sitting on my lap.

Now, if I could just get her home, I could finally sit her in her rightful spot upon her throne.

Also known as my mouth.

Chapter Twelve


I’m leaning my head on Grease's shoulder when we finally pull up to the gates of the Reckless Omens Compound. I look back and watch as the gates close behind us. I want to keep fighting and protesting that I don't belong here. I need to save them all, but if I am being honest with myself, I’m tired and scared to death.

Grease helps me out of the car, and we head in through the front door. As the door closes, Swift turns to me.

“Sweetheart?” Swift asks, bending to catch my eyes. “Are we sticking with Becky or going with Lyra here? Your call.”

I look at Mama, who smiles, then Grease, who smirks. I turn back to the group now surrounding me. All the people I love, missing a few other people and the kids. I know they will accept me. All of me.

“I’m going back to my roots. So, hello everybody. I’m Lyra Loretta Lynn Leman, and I’ve missed you all so much.” I start to tear up. I swear I’ve never cried so much in my life as I have with these people… my family.

“Alright, well Lyra, I think it's time we gather everyone into church, and you can finally tell us the full story of what's going…” Before Swift can finish, I hear a squeal coming from the back hallways.

“She's back! They brought her back to us!” Rae yells.

“I knew they would!” Paisley says as all the kids file into the room and swarm me. They are all talking at once as they nearly tackle me to the ground.

“We missed you!”

“Please don't leave us again!”