Page 97 of Acedia

“Yes, please,” Iris murmured, looking slightly baffled as I guided her closer. I’d wanted as many sensory experiences as possible, and there were platters of all of her favorite foods on the table too, but we could get to those later. “This is so nice, Damen. You did all this for me?”

I took a steadying breath, this time squeezing her hand to give myself comfort. “Yes. Because I wanted to give you the proposal you deserve. The one I should have given you the first time around.”

Iris was silent for a moment before she laughed. “You’re… proposing? You’d already planned this? But I’m proposing! That’s what I was getting to.”

“Cora and Jade hinted that you might—and I am more than fine with that, my princess—but I still wanted to give you the romantic experience you didn’t get the first time around.”

“Cora and Jade spoke to you?” she asked suspiciously.

I snorted. “Oh yes. And I’m glad they did—their intentions were pure, and I needed to hear that. My ego was a little bruised when you said no—but you absolutely made the right decision, it was foolish of me to have proposed then, even if I knew in my heart that you were the one. Even if I knew that I loved you then. I should have given you time to feel the same way about me. Maybe I was worried that you never would, and that securing your hand was the safest way of making sure I didn’t lose you.”

“You’re the one for me too, Damen,” Iris said gently, her scent sweet and perfect even as a rogue tear tracked down her cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize it when you did. I love you. I can say that now without a single trace of hesitation or doubt. It’s you. It’s always been you.”

A piece of me that I didn’t know I’d been missing settled into place.

“I’m not sorry,” I assured her. “Your love was worth the wait, Iris.”

It wasn’t a Shade convention to get down on one knee, but Ophelia had mentioned that it was a human one and I didn’t want to let Iris down by not meeting every single one of her expectations. I kneeled awkwardly, clasping her hand.

“Iris Nash, you are the other half of my soul. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

To my surprise, she kneeled down too, her fingers trembling slightly where she was clinging on to mine. “Of course. Would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?”

I let out a surprised laugh. “Are you proposing to me too?”

“I’d already hyped myself up to do it.”

“Of course, princess. It would be the honor of my life.” I stood up before lifting Iris into my arms, her legs wrapping around my hips immediately and her hands finding my horns. A shiver ran down my spine at her possessive grip. That wasn’t what I’d intended for us to be doing out here, but I wouldn’t say no…

“Wait, I have to give you the ring first,” I mumbled, willing my cock to behave as I carried her over to the table.

“Kiss first,” Iris demanded sweetly, maneuvering my head back with my horns and pressing her lips to mine.

It was sweet for a second, but only a second. Iris dragged her tongue across my lower lip, rolling her hips as I got us situated on a chair, grinding her pussy against my aching cock.

I explored her mouth with my tongue, enjoying the little whimpers she made as she struggled to accommodate it, her arousal perfuming the air more potently with each movement.

We broke apart panting, Iris’s breasts heaving with each movement, practically begging for my attention. What would it be like between us a year from now? Five years? Ten?

I had the feeling that it would only be filthier as we grew more comfortable with one another and experienced more together. Iris was curious and unselfconscious, and I wanted to lick every part of her body I could get my tongue on.

She made a small whine of impatience as I reached behind her to grab the ring box on the table.

“Just a moment, princess,” I teased, slipping the ring onto her finger and admiring the way it fit. It was a very Shade design, and I’d been worried it wouldn’t suit her delicate human hands, but the contrast was very pleasing.

“Are they pearls?” Iris asked, rubbing her thumb over the row.

“Yes—or the Shade equivalent at least. They’re black but shiny, and they sit on a silver band. I thought it might feel the nicest to play with,” I added, slightly embarrassed. Perhaps she would have preferred something grander? But she was a very tactile person, and this would be the least obtrusive.

“It’s perfect,” Iris breathed. “Thank you. Is this place private?”

I laughed. “Did you have an activity in mind for us that requires privacy, princess?”

She smiled, sweet as always but with a slightly mischievous edge. “I need your knot, Damen.”

I choked on nothing, not expecting quite that level of boldness. “Now? What about dinner?”

Iris pursed her lips thoughtfully. “We can eat while knotted, right?”