Page 79 of Acedia

“I see. And the king’s mother was, er, interested in what you were doing? This… knitting thing?”

“Orabelle is a friend of mine,” I assured her.

“Right. Interesting. I didn’t know that. And there are some… whispers that you and Prince Damen are courting?”

I let the silence linger just long enough to be uncomfortable—a trick I’d learned from Moriah. “I’m sorry, what does that have to do with Jonan?”

“Nothing, nothing,” she said hastily. “I’m just being curious, that’s all. Jonan talks about you so much, and all of your… quirks. And now I hear that you’re connecting with all kinds of influential Shades at court. One doesn’t know what to think.”

Ah, I think I got it now. Based on what she knew about me from Jonan, she wanted to dismiss me as beneath her notice. But because of the friendships I’d formed, she was worried that might not be in her best interests.

“I suppose you’ll have to make up your own mind,” I replied sweetly as Jonan came bounding across the room, relaying his day at the top of his lungs to his mother.

I didn’t think I was quick to anger—or even annoyance—but this conversation had me feeling distinctly negative.

The two of them left, the nursery clearing out for the day as parents came by to collect their children. Eadlin’s parents werenearly as quiet as she was, but they were very pleasant to be around. I could see where she’d gotten her sweetness from.

“Thank you so much for helping today, Iris,” Yara said, moving around me as she collected up wooden blocks. “The prince mentioned that you might be interested in working here on a more permanent basis? As an actual employee?”

When had Damen even found the time to say something? The way he prioritized the things I said and actually tried to make them happen made my chest ache in a good kind of way. If I thought too much about the pizza he’d made me, I’d burst into tears.

It hadn’t actually tasted very good, but it was just sothoughtful.

“Only if that’s okay,” I replied hesitantly. “I appreciate that I don’t have formal work experience or training or anything.”

“None of us did when we started. We’ve just learned along the way and you will too,” Yara reassured me. I could hear the smile in her voice, and it was a very soothing sound. “The children adore you, they’ll be so happy to hear you’re sticking around. And you’ve really added something special to the nursery, you know. This might be treasonous of me to say, but I wassadwhen the queen’s schedule got busier and she couldn’t visit very often anymore. I’d have been devastated if it was you.”

I hurriedly swiped away a rogue tear, embarrassed that I was getting weepy over her words. It was just so nice to be…wanted.

“Though that might still happen,” Yara added affectionately. “It seems to me like you might be on your way to becoming a princess, in which case your schedule will undoubtedly pick up.”

“Oh.” I laughed awkwardly. “I don’t know about that. But regardless, Iwantto be here. I’d never give this up.”

“Good. Are you heading straight to dinner in the dining hall? I can walk you there if you like. I don’t eat here myself—theking has said I’m welcome to, but I prefer to return home to my family.”

She told about about her much younger brother as we headed down to the dining hall, and the aging father who lived with her and spent his days gardening.

“You should come visit,” Yara suggested shyly. “It’s not as grand as the palace, of course. It’s just a small home—”

“I would love to visit, Yara. Thank you. That’s such a kind offer.”

“It would be my pleasure. My family has already heard so much about you—they’d love to meet you. Anyway, I’ll leave you here now. The prince is heading your way.”

Oh good. I’d missed him today, which seemed silly since we’d spent so much time together recently. It just never quite felt like enough.

Yara laughed. “I don’t need to ask if you’re happy to hear that—your scent gives you away. Have a nice evening, Iris.”

“You too,” I replied, my face hot.

“You’re delightfully red today,” Damen said, gently touching my cheek with his knuckle. We were surrounded by Shades in the busy corridor, and I was surprised that he was touching my face so easily in front of the crowd. Pleasantly surprised.

It felt territorial in a way I didn’t hate.

“How was your day?” I asked, not wanting to explainwhyI was red in the face.

“Fine.” Damen took my hand, though I felt him bend down to greet Tilly, quietly cooing at how pretty she was. My heart could barely take it. “Theon complained about my presence, but he’d complain if I didn’t visit too, so I’m not worried. Oh, and I have more clothes for you—one of the staff delivered them to your room.”

“For me?”