Page 60 of Acedia

Calix narrowed his eyes at me for a moment before a slow smile took over his face. “You’re trying to impress someone. Finally found an ex-Hunter to lavish your attentions on, hm?”

I grumbled out some vague sound of agreement, pulling one of the wooden trays off the shelf and heading for the counter of breakfast dishes that were surplus to the dining hall’s requirements.

“I’m surprised you actuallyneedto impress anyone. Surely, the title does all the heavy lifting for you? From memory, the king made an appallingly little amount of effort to woo his wife.”

“Yes, well, I tried that approach already and it didn’t work out for me.”

Calix snorted. “I like her already. And I’m impressed that you haven’t given up at the first hurdle—I admire your perseverance, Your Highness.”

The honorific sounded sarcastic, but I would expect no less from Calix.

I piled the tray up as high as I could, making sure to grab food for Tilly, before heading back upstairs.

Iris had washed and dressed in the clothes she was wearing yesterday in my absence, and was standing in the doorway that led out to the balcony. Her pale hair blew around her face in the breeze, and my shadows reached for her of their own volition. She looked like mine. She felt like mine.

How could she not be mine?

“Breakfast,” I announced croakily, setting the tray down on the table.

Iris felt around for the wall, though I was already in motion to go and collect her.

“I wish I had a cane,” she said a little wistfully. “Nana never wanted me to use one, but I think it would come in handy sometimes.”

“A cane?”

“Yes, it’s like a stick, I guess. To help me get an idea of whether there are obstacles in front of me.”

I paused, mid-step. “Hold out your hand for me.”

She immediately did as she was asked, so trusting and sweet. I formed a shadow baton in my hand the way we always did for combat training, and shaped it to be a little longer so Iris could easily reach the ground with it. It wasn’t as solid as a stick, butI funneled enough power into it that it was solid and would reverberate if she struck something with it.

It really seemed like the least I could do. After all, it was thanks to Iris that I was feeling so energized this morning.

If I’d fed so well based on just licking her pussy, I couldn’t imagine how much power knotting would fuel me with. I shuddered as I closed the gap between us, depositing the makeshift cane into her hand.

Do not think about knotting.

“What is this?” Iris asked, her fingers closing around it as she tested the weight in her hand. “It’s so light.”

“It’s an extended version of the shadow batons we use for training. Try it—you should be able to feel it if you tap it on the ground.”

She carefully adjusted her hold on it before tapping it on the ground. It didn’t make a noise, but her eyebrows shot up as she felt the sensation.

“Unfortunately, it requires proximity. It’ll disappear if I’m not nearby,” I added apologetically. “Perhaps it will do as a temporary solution, though? Until Astrid can source you a proper one?”

“It’s amazing.Thank you.” Iris tapped the ground again, tentatively making her way toward me. I stayed in place as she gently knocked the side of my foot, just so she could get an idea of what an obstacle felt like. “Is that you?” she asked.

“It is.”

“Oh good.” I caught her just in time as she threw herself into my arms, laughing as I scooped her off the ground and carried her to the small dining table.

Iris pressed her lips to my collarbone, clinging onto me tightly. “That is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, Damen.”

That settled it. I was just going to have to do more thoughtful things. That couldn’t be the best that Iris had ever experienced—it was unacceptable.

I dished up her food, explaining where everything was on the plate, before serving Tilly and then myself.

“Ophelia was telling me about the instrument you played in the human realm,” I said, pouring us both tea. “It sounds very impressive. I don’t think we have anything like that here.”