Page 45 of Unwrapping Deviance

Christian smirks at my agony. “What pretty noises you make. Let Daddy hear how pretty you sound when you cum on my fingers—”

Raised voices scatter the moment. Daniel and Christian drag their hands away from me. Christian tugs my skirt down around my trembling thighs and I struggle to sit like I wasn’t about to get fingered in the middle of the diner by two men as all heads turn to watch the remaining three Stepford wives clatter to their feet as Clemence finally exits the bathroom.

She definitely does not look pretty and polished anymore. Despite her obvious attempts to smooth down her hair and hide the fact that she’s been crying, she weaves over to her concerned flock.

They circle her, forming a protective barrier. A couple of them glance my way with icy accusation, but briefly. It’s the chilly, blue eyes of their leader that I lock gazes with. It takes effort not to show any reaction, but I keep the link until she looks away.

“Clem, what happened?” one keeps repeating on a tired loop that evenClemseems fed up with when she snatches up her purse and slings it on over her shoulder.

The four rush out of the diner on Clemence’s heels and the riot of bells over the door. I watch them teeter across the gravel to their gleaming vehicles where they stop at the hood of a bright, cherry red convertible. I am going to go on a limb and guess belongs to Clemence.

With them gone, the diner resumes with its low stream of conversation and the grind of metal radiating from the wobblyfan overhead. The coffee pot trickles and Mabel claps from table to table with her rag and sour expression.

“What did you do, naughty girl?”

I jump at Christian’s low murmur directly into my ear. I hide my flinch by grabbing the menu.


But the hand wielding the menu, the hand closest to Christian bears the truth and I’m not fast enough to stuff my scratches out of sight when he’s captured my wrist.

His rich, brown eyes never waver from my wide panicked ones when he drags the evidence in for a closer inspection.

I snatch it back and shoot him a sharp glower, warning him to shut his mouth if he knows what’s good for him; the last thing I need is for Daniel to get worried that I got a couple of scratches.

“Don’t,”I mouth, which only has the devil arching an eyebrow in amusement.

His tongue skims over his teeth, but I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.

“Convince me.”




My hard on is excruciating.

It pushes into the metal teeth of my zipper, pinching and confined against the denim of my jeans. It’s been a relentless force all through breakfast as Mira sits too close, her sweet fragrance a chokehold around my throat. She hasn’t said a word the entire time we ate, but her cheeks glow a vibrant pink. Her thighs shift and rub, despite Daniel’s hand. Her restless need is all I can focus on because all I want is to pull the knee closest to me back over my lap and finish what we started.

Fucking Clemence May. She always had the worst timing. Mira was so fucking close, it wouldn’t have taken more than a few thrusts to have her drenching my fingers.

Goddamn it!

She’d been so hot and moist pressed into my palm, so needy and delicious. And her whimpers ... fuck me! Her fucking whines. Her sweet, malleable sobs of my name.

Fucking Clemence May.

Hated her in high school. Definitely hate her as a fully grown fucking adult.

Although, it does bring to mind the claw marks on Mira’s small hand, the jagged gashes marking her skin. Most of them are shallow, red, torn lines that would be gone by morning, but two had gone deep. Blood bubbled in beads from the wounds that had almost sent my own bloodlust roaring at the thought of Clemence having hurt Mira.

I’ve never hit a woman — spanking does not count — but I was fully prepared to track her husband down and punch him in the mouth. But then I saw Clemence coming out of the bathroom with her red rimmed eyes and disheveled hair and realized my ... Daniel’s baby had whipped her ass. I’ve never been so fucking proud.

“What do you think?”

I blink, realizing Daniel has been talking this whole time. I have no idea what he said, but I know asking him to repeat himself will only get me that grouchy, grumbly frown and I’m not in the mood.