I have a split second to suck in a breath and calm myself when Daniel rounds the corner, soft, golden eyes creased in worry when he spots me.
I slap on a smile and hurry to him. “Was I gone that long?”
He’s looking me over and I’m careful to keep my bleeding hand tucked behind my back. “No, we thought we heard a bang. Wanted to make sure you were okay.”
The thought of telling him about Clemence comes and goes, and I let it slide as I hook my arm through his and let him lead me back towards the dining room.
But there is another issue nestled deep at the back of my mind, a seed hooking roots into my subconscious. I’d momentarily let it go in all the unnecessary commotion, but...
He pauses and glances down at me and that nagging little voice of guilt raises its head.
I suck in a breath, hoping it will calm the raging storm in my gut. “I’m sorry.”
I’m drawn against the solid wall of his chest. His large hand is a hot weight pinning the lower curve of my spine, keeping me in place as he lowers his head and bumps my nose with his.
My stomach pitches.
Well, okay then. Apparently, I need to apologize more often if this is my response.
“Why, baby?”
That delicious fragrance of his musky cologne invades my soul and I’m having a hard time recalling anything, except how badly I want to snort that scent off his entire body like coke.
“I ... for what I did ... with Christian...”
The fingers on his free hand tuck beneath my chin and my gaze is forcibly readjusted to meet his. “What did you do with Christian?”
I try to focus, try to recall if maybe it had been a fevered dream where Christian was sucking on my thumb after I wiped blood off his mouth.
“The parking lot...” I hazard, transfixed by the mouth he’s placed inches from mine.
A taunt.
“Ah, that.” Those delicious folds quirk up on one side. “You liked it.”
My cheeks flame even as my gaze shoots up to his and find them frighteningly even. Focused.
“I...” is all I can manage because I can’t lie and say I didn’t, but I can’t tell him I liked it ... a lot, either.
His free hand circles my throat. Captures my jaw. My face is tilted to his. My eyes are wide as tendrils of liquid arousal course through me to pool between my thighs.
His thumb presses into my lips. Presses past my lips. Between them. He hooks it against my tongue.
My own body takes over. A reflexive instinct. A drive to close my lips around the digit the way Christian had done to mine and suck. To show Daniel exactly what his brother had done to me.
“Is that what he did, baby girl?” he drawls slowly. Gruffly.
Breathing hard, I force my head to bob. “Yes.”
I swirl my tongue around the finger and stroke while bowing my chin forward just enough to take him deeper.