Page 41 of Unwrapping Deviance

She blocks me again when I try to dodge and I’m ready to punch her in the throat when she says, “I saw you came in with the MacAllister boys.”

I lose my patience. “Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you fucking weirdos? Fuck off.”

Clemence gasps with a theatrical performance worthy of anOscar. “You will not use the Lord’s name in—”

“Listen here, you creepy Stepford wife, whatever the hell you think you need to tell me, don’t.”

“Did you know their mother killed herself?”

I am so taken aback by the sheer, disgusting response that I can only stare at the bitch. Disbelieving my ears.

Clemence takes my bubbling fury for interest and promptly falls into her speech.

“She learned her sons were sick degenerates unloved by God and—”

I hit her.

The acoustics sing through the confined space. Her cry quickly follows as her manicured hands shoot up to clutch the scarlet handprint blazing against her cheek.

“I would be very careful what you say next,” I tell her, keeping my voice level even as my heart reacts to do it again.

Fire ignites behind Clemence’s watery eyes even as she straightens.

With her platform heels, she has a good four inches on me, but I will drag her ass to the ground if she talks about Christian or Daniel, or their mom again.

“Maybe you think it’s fine to protect a pair of murdering rapists, but here in Jefferson, we don’t take kindly to perverts who fornicate with their own blood.”

I hear everything she says. I process it quickly without letting any reaction show on my face. Refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing she got to me.

“Bullshit,” I mutter dryly. “Daniel is not a murderer. He’s literally a lawyer who puts murderers away. I would be very careful spreading lies. You’ll piss off the wrong person.”

Meaning me.

But I let the implication hang.

“They covered their tracks. Got away with it. But the man they killed was a beloved member of the community and there aren’t many people who are too happy to see the MacAllister boys back in town. You don’t have to believe me—”

“I don’t,” I snap.

She ignores me and goes on, “but have they told you why they left Jefferson?”

“Maybe because you’re all fucking crazy?”

Her smile dims while simultaneously sharpening. “I’m only trying to warn you. They’re not good people. They’re evil and vile. God’s forsaken them. That’s why their mother killed herself. The shame—”

My palm strikes out and claps the side of her head before I can even register the red haze of rage. The momentum drives her sideways. Her skull slams into the bathroom door with a resounding and rattling crack I feel sing through my soul like fine wine. She cries out, but I’m gripping a fistful of all that beautiful hair and squeezing her face into the wood as every muscle trembles, torn between shoving harder and restraint.

“I warned you. I will break your face if you ever talk about their mother again.” I add enough pressure to drive my point home. “Did you honestly think coming in here and bad mouthing the man I love would turn out in your favor?” I fist her hair harder, tearing out strands as the bitch squeals and carves deep, red welts into my hand with her bright, red nails. “I would commit unimaginable fucking crimes for him, Clemence. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

She’s making idiot whimpering noises that’s getting on my nerves, but she squeaks a yes.

I release her and step back.

She wobbles on her shiny, red pumps and stumbles back into the corner between the door and the wall like some traumatized rabbit. Her blue eyes are no longer smug. Her lips aren’tgrinning like she means something special. She’s a blotchy, weeping little cunt staring at me with horror.

“Stay away from the MacAllisters, Clemence. Tell your backwoods, piece of shit town if I see one more person give them a single side eye, I will rip their fucking eyes out. Those two belong to me and I will happily skin and dismember anyone who hurts them.”

Closing my fingers into the silk blouse of her sleeve, I drag the bitch aside and storm out.