Daniel cuts him a razor-sharp glance that would have silenced even me. “Not one. Every one of the motherfuckers who touched Mira. Give them to me or get out of my way.”
Brewer doesn’t move, but I can see him fumbling between patience and words. “Stand down!” he blurts instead. “You will control yourself or—”
Daniel stops. His dark eyes drop to the other man standing between him and his prey. “Your men can assault women in broad daylight, pull out their guns in the middle of town with people walking all over —children!But I’m out of control?”
Patches of color erupts beneath the Sheriff’s withered cheeks, but he stays his ground.
“We can discuss this inside.”
Daniel doesn’t budge. “I don’t think so, Sheriff. In a few short hours, your men have arrested my brother under false and fabricated charges, lied about it, wrongfully contained him, refused him legal counsel, or a phone call. They assaulted my woman. They assaulted my brother for protecting her. I really don’t think talking is going to solve this. The only thing this has shown me is that you have no control over your station or your men—”
Brewer huffs indignant. “How dare you—”
Daniel ignores him. “Unless you’re telling me you authorized this attack on my family?” he doesn’t wait for an answer. “Either way, this is a gross use of power.”
Brewer shoots his men a hard side eye that has them cowering back towards the sidewalk like beaten dogs. “I will get to the bottom of this.”
Daniel shakes his head. “Not good enough.” He takes a step closer, a gesture that has the three stiffening like they’re ready to pull their weapons again, but Brewer doesn’t flinch. “Stay away from us. Stay away from Christian, from me, and definitely from Mira. She’s off limits to you and the fine folk of Jefferson. If anyone even looks at her, I don’t give a fuck what you tell the world about me, I will burn this entire town to ashes. In a few days, we’ll be gone and you will never see us again.”
Without waiting for a response, Daniel turns and moves to where Mira and I stand. I step aside and she doesn’t shy away when he reaches her.
Her fingers are already extended for him even before his hands settle on her waist. Her blue eyes are fixed on him as if nothing and no one exists, except him.
It’s all so intimate. So personal. Even Brewer and his men refuse to stick around or argue the blatant threats made. The older man marches his men back into the station, leaving me to stand like an idiot, watching the two lose themselves in each other.
“Did they hurt you?” he’s asking Mira when I make my way to where I’d tossed my jacket.
“I’m okay,” she murmurs. “Scared me mostly.”
“I’m sorry, baby. I should have known better.”
Mira’s arms slide around Daniel. Small fingers slip through the short strands of hair at the back of his head. I think for a heartbeat that she’s going to kiss him, but her face tilts at the lastsecond and presses into the side of his neck. His arms tighten around her. His hands move over her back. Her hair.
“You called me your woman,” she says. “Did you mean it?”
His fingers tighten in her silken strands. “I did. Objections?”
Mira promptly shakes her head. Her eyes are gleaming with excitement and a happiness that makes my stomach hurt.
It looks so fucking good on her. I’ve never done hard drugs, but I know I could easily get addicted to wanting more of it, wanting that light, that sweet little smile. It’s no wonder Daniel’s gone over her.
I toss my jacket on and go the long way around to the opposite door. Neither notice me climb into the backseat and wait.
It only lasts a few minutes longer. Mira pulls back and Daniel cups the side of her face. He brushes a thumb over her cheek the way mom used to when we were sick or hurt, or just before bed. It was her silentI love you,because the dirt bag she married hated when she coddled us. It was our secret language.
But he says something and Mira nods.
Daniel grins and coils a lock of hair around his finger. It’s given a playful tug before he’s nudging her back into her seat. The door is shut behind her and he’s moving around the truck to get in behind the wheel.
“Breakfast?” he says, snapping his belt into place.
I shrug. “Doesn’t matter. I need to get my baby out of impound before they strip her for parts.”
Mira pops the glove box open as Daniel pulls out of our parking spot. She unearths a tiny packet of tissues and passes the whole thing over to me.
I stare at it a long moment, puzzled.
“You have...” she gestures to her own mouth.