Page 18 of Unwrapping Deviance

“It’s all I thought about lying in my bed alone — how you sound when the right guy is fucking your tight, little pussy.”

I shouldn’t like the way he’s talking to me. I definitely shouldn’t be allowing it. He’s a damn stranger and Daniel’s brother, amongst a whole host of other things, but I haven’t had anyone try to please me, except my own hands my entire life and he’s making it impossible not to want what he’s offering.

Still — Daniel.

I love Daniel.

“Do you do that often? Fantasize about women you just met?” I counter, and I’m kind of really proud of myself for sounding completely chill.

“Not like this.” He drawls each word out slowly in that rough cadence that makes me stupid.

Goddamn it.

“What do you mean?”

My mouth is asking questions it really shouldn’t, things I don’t want to know. I mean, I do, but I shouldn’t.

I need him to back up. I need air and space and my sanity back.

“I mean that by now, you would be in my bed, taking every inch of my cock until your thighs are trembling and you lose count of your orgasms. And I would have to start over—”

I duck out from beneath his hold and scurry a safe distance, although, I’m pretty sure there is no such place.

“You can’t say things like that,” I babble weakly, my tongue a thick lump in my mouth.

Christian does that thing with his mouth where it lifts up in one corner showing just the hint of sharp canine. “Because?”

Well, if he would stop looking at me like that, I will tell him.

“Because ... Daniel.”

He pushes a step closer, forcing me back. “What about him?” He’s not making this easy. “He’s not fucking you. I know he’s not. And you are so tightly wound, I bet it would only take two licks to—”

“I’m not interested,” I cut in before I forget why I’m fighting this hard.


My temper prickles. Sure, he’s right. I am lying but he’s been nothing but arrogant since I arrived and I need to stop this before it goes too far.

Sucking in a breath, I close the step I’d taken. I move right into his space, ignoring all the alarm bells screaming to abort mission.

I know I can’t intimidate him. He — like Daniel — has a full two heads over me and I’m forced to tip my whole neck back to even meet his gaze. But I’m not letting him think he can mess with me like this.

As I expected, Christian stops. His head cocks to one side like a curious puppy and he peers down at me with a raised eyebrow I take as a challenge.

“The fact that you think I would ever pick you over Daniel—”

All humor vanishes as if a light has been flicked off behind his eyes. His whole head jerks back. The rest of him seems to follow with his slow, measured stride backwards.

I’m just beginning to think I’d won when his smirk returns tipped with serrated blades of ice.

“Do you honestly think you’re that important? You think I’m so deluded by you that I’m declaring my undying love for you, Mira?” The steel edges of his laugh knicks my confidence. Makes me hurt even as I grip my rage tighter. But he’s still cutting. “You should keep chasing my brother. Eventually, he might get desperate enough—”

I move before I can stop myself. My arm snaps back and his sharp cheekbone cracks under my swinging palm. The resounding smack would have been viciously satisfying if unimaginable pain hadn’t erupted up my arm, numbing myfingers. I yank my hand back, dragging it to my chest and cuddling it like an injured child, but the throbbing persists.

“Fuck you,” I hiss, careful to keep my voice down, but even more careful to hide the tremor. The damn tears burning my eyes. He doesn’t need the satisfaction of knowing he’d made me cry.

Because, while, yes, he did hurt my feelings, that isn’t why my emotions kicked in; I have a deformation in my chemical makeup where I cry when I’m frustrated or angry. It’s a stupid and humiliating trigger that I hate, but I can’t stop it.