Something in those broken words punch me in the chest. Maybe it’s the creeping fear, the way she’s sucking in air like she’s trying not to cry, or maybe it’s the fact that she thinks she could ever lose me, but I crush her closer.
“I’m right here.”
“You shouldn’t be.” Cold, shaky fingers run close across the back of my neck. “You should stay away from me.”
I bark a laugh because I don’t even know how I’m supposed to do that at this point. I don’t think it’s even possible anymore. That ship has sailed, hit an iceberg and sunk. No survivors.
“It was a dream, sweetheart,” I try to assure her.
Mira shakes her head. “No. I’m cursed. People I love die. Daniel won’t listen to me, but you still have time.”
I’m shaking my head even before she stops speaking. “Not going to happen.” I pull back enough to capture her damp cheeks between my hands. I wipe the tears and kiss her lips. “You can tell me to leave, but you’re stuck with me. I’ll superglue my dick in your pussy if I have to.”
That may have been going too far.
But Mira’s head jerks back. Her eyes blink, lashes damp butterfly wings surrounding red rimmed eyes. Her cheeks glisten with tears that she swipes slowly with the back of her hands.
“Did you just say you’re going to superglue your dick in my vagina?”
I could lie. Act horrified by such a weird and disturbing notion but fuck it.
“I said what I said.”
She stares at me for so long, I’m ready for her to start screaming for Daniel when she bursts out laughing. Her entire back arches with the fling of her head falling back. The sound rumbles through the room and cascades down my spine.
“What is wrong with you?” she wheezes a few minutes later, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. She sniffles and fixes her gaze to mine.
I lean in and kiss her.
“You’re not getting rid of me,” I murmur against her mouth. “In fact,” I raise my face just enough to nudge her nose with mine, “every time you mention the curse, leaving me, or being the harbinger of death, I will edge you for five minutes. Mention it five times? That’s twenty-five minutes of pure torture until you’re begging me to fuck you.”
She blinks at me, lips wide in disbelief. “That’s a little harsh.”
I shrug. “So is trying to get rid of me. It’s quite hurtful.”
“I’m not trying to get rid of you!” Her exclamation shakes with the pain I can see reflected in her eyes. “I’m trying to save your life.”
“I don’t give a shit. That shit isn’t real, Mira. You’re not cursed because it’s not real. Shit happens, okay? People die. You are everything to me and Daniel, but you’re not so special that you can cause people to die. You’re not anX-Men. If you do have special death powers, I have a list of people I’d like you tohandle for me. We’ll turn your powers into a flourishing murder business.” I take a breath and frame her small, enraged face between my palms. “I’m not going anywhere, brat. Go ahead and try to make me.”
Her glower is beautiful. I prefer her annoyance. I prefer her anger. I would rather she scream and hate me than cry over something that doesn’t exist.
“You’re an asshole,” she mutters.
“Well, sweetheart, I’m your asshole now so...” I kiss the tip of her nose, “deal with it. I’m not going to feed this idea in your head anymore. I’m not going to let you isolate yourself and push people away. You’ve done it for too long and it’s enough. I’m not going to force you to go out and make friends, but I sure as shit am not going to let you push me away. You’re mine.”
The wobble of her chin breaks me. Fresh tears replace the ones I erased with the pad of my thumb.
“What if you’re wrong? What if I hurt you?”
I draw in a breath and shake my head. “I promise that won’t happen.”
Her brows slam together. “You can’t—”
“Oh, but I can. I can guarantee you won’t kill me.” I put my right hand up, not sure that’s the right hand but go with it. “Scouts honor. On my life ... literally.”
She’s searching my face, doubt narrowing her eyes. “How?”
I smirk and let my finger stroke back a strand of hair caught on her damp cheek. I sweep it back behind her ear.