I still don’t comment and don’t disagree because I know what he says is true. I’ve never judged Barbie. She likes to go from man to man. I could never do it, but if she likes it that way, why shouldn’t she be able to do it without judgment from me, another woman and her friend?
He stops moving and puts a hand on each side of my face. Most men would just disregard my question, but not him. It’s like he wants to make sure I understand what he’s saying and where he’s coming from. “Has Barbie been waiting around for me to return? Keeping her hands off the other bikers?”
I don’t even have to think about it. I shake my head, a part of me feeling like I’m betraying Barbie but also knowing that what he says is the truth. Barbie does move from man to man.
His big hand strokes down to my neck and holds me there. It’s a possessive hold and I take a deep breath at the feelings it evokes in me.
His voice is gruff, sexy. “I can tell you’re not like that.”
I nod my head at him, lost in his gaze before I finally come to my senses. I pull away slightly. “I, uh, better get back to work.”
He loosens his hold but never really lets me go. I go on my tiptoes. “Thanks for the dance,” I say before I reach up to give him a kiss on the cheek goodnight. What was meant to be innocent, a peck on his cheek to say thanks, turns into something more.
He turns his head and catches my mouth with his. He gives me a kiss so hot that I almost forget why I’m not gonna sleep with him. One hand tightens on my hip and one hand tightens around my neck. I’m being held in his arms, pulled tight against him, and the large swollen bulge between his legs is pressing into my soft belly. His mouth is hot and he tastes like the smooth, dark taste of liquor. The possessive way his mouth devours me has my arms going around his neck, holding on to him. He angles my head to the side, deepening the kiss, and I feel it in every cell of my body. He’s all man, and his power and control takes over the kiss, pushing me to the edge until I’m groaning in his mouth, like I’m begging him for mercy.
When he finally pulls away, we’re both panting. My hand flies up to my mouth, feeling my soft, swollen lips, knowing that I must look like I was just thoroughly kissed.
“Goodnight, honey,” he says and walks away from me stiff-legged. I giggle behind my hand, and even though I thought I did it quietly, he still hears me and turns around. He acts like he’s having trouble walking and I watch as he adjusts himself and waves goodbye. The molten look he gives me tells me he’s letting me off easy. I know that is true because if he had pushed, I don’t know if I would have had the strength to deny him. To deny me.
He leaves with a few of the other guys and I’m left with Stella and Roxanne to finish shutting down the bar.
It’s a little after three before we finally close up and get everything cleaned. Normally, after a night like this, I am exhausted and can barely keep my eyes open. But not tonight. No, there’s a giddy step to my walk and I know what it’s from. Saint. The one man that showed up tonight out of nowhere and has already turned my world upside down. All the promises I’ve made to myself of staying away from men is almost forgotten after only one dance in his arms.
I do my nightly ritual and wash the grime of the bar off my skin. The water sliding down my body and the thoughts in my head of Saint’s arms around me has me groaning, relishing in the hot water and the steam. I put some soap on the sponge and slide it down my belly, between my legs, and jerk at the touch. I’m on fire. I swap the sponge to my other hand, and then use my fingers to separate myself, stroking through my hot, swollen core. Just one dance did this to me. I could bring myself some relief so easily; I’m already like a ticking time bomb. I know that with just a little firm pressure from my finger on my clit, I will explode. The need is there and I want it. But I also know that if I come and associate that with Saint it will not be good for me. I already know it’s going to be hard to get him out of my head. If I’m coming with his name on my lips, I’ll never get rid of him or have the will to stay away from him. No, instead, I release a deep breath, finish washing, and go to bed.
I try to think of any and everything except for him. But every thought goes back to him and that panty-melting kiss.
My head is splitting. I got back to the clubhouse last night and the boys weren’t ready to stop celebrating my return. I had way too much to drink. But not enough to have a go with Barbie. When she shimmied up to me, I could tell by the look on her face she was a woman on a mission. I put one hand out, even though it was fuzzy to look at, and stopped her. “I need some breathing room, Barbie.”
She acted like a kicked dog, but I’m not the type to chase and coddle. Plus, I know Barbie. Only a few minutes later she was walking to one of the back rooms with another brother.
This morning, or heck this afternoon, I’m barely able to function as I walk back toward the common area of the clubhouse. Already it’s full of bikers. It’s late afternoon, and I guess I had more sleep to catch up on than I thought. That or I was just too wasted.
I stop at the first table and lay my head down, waiting on the pounding to stop. After not drinking for four years, last night really did a number on me.
The guys are all laughing at me. Gage sits down next to me and pecks his fingers on the hard wood next to my head. It vibrates like a son of a bitch through my already aching brain. “You need a Cat Special.”
I whip my head up and ignore the woozy feeling that gives me. “Cat Special? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I know I couldn’t have been that off the mark with her. She doesn’t seem like the kind to move from one brother to another, but hell, I don’t know what a Cat Special is.
Gage holds his hands up, still laughing at my sorry ass. “It’s a drink the sexy bar kitten makes that fixes almost any hangover.”
Just thinking of Cat has me hard again and ready to go see her. “What time is it?”
Gage just shrugs his shoulders. He knows I’m asking because I’m wondering if Cat is at work already. “She’s there.”
My fists clench. “How do you know she’s there?” I stretch my palms out against the hard wood. This girl’s already got me fucked up and I haven’t even gotten a taste of her yet. Not really.
Gage gets up and starts walking toward the door. “I know she’s there because she lives above the bar. C’mon, I’ll take you in the truck.”
I get up and follow behind him.She lives above the bar?It makes me wonder what kind of safety measures Ranger has put in place to keep fuckers from going up there. I’ll have to be sure to check that out.
During the short ride to the bar, Gage decides to give me a warning. “So you know, Ranger’s the one that warned everyone to leave Cat alone, but I have to admit I have his back on that one.”
Looking out the window, I weigh his words. I know she hasn’t been at the club long, only a few months, but it seems she already has all the guys wanting to protect her. “Oh yeah, so then why are you taking me to her?”