Page 33 of Hope's Heartlands

He’s crying now and it hits me hard in the chest what he’s going through. I should have told him sooner. Knowing now everything he’s been feeling and worried about, I should have told him sooner. I had no idea. I hoped he loved me and wanted both of us, but I wasn’t sure. “I’m so sorry, Gage. I should have told you. I shouldn’t have kept it from you.”

He takes a deep breath and lets it out. “None of that matters now. You’re mine. You’re both mine. No one, I mean fuckin’ no one will ever take you away from me. That’s all that matters now. Fuck, I love you, baby girl. I love you so damn much.”

I’m crying now, sobbing like a baby. “I love you too.”

“I already called Wrath,” he tells me between kisses.

I pull away. “Wrath?” I ask him, referring to the club chaplain. Cat had mentioned he has his eye on the preacher’s daughter at the Baptist church across the street, but she keeps shutting him down. Lately, every Sunday morning after his service he sits outside the Ride or Die and watches for her. “Why did you call Wrath?”

“Because you’re marrying me, Roxy. You’re already my ol’ lady, but now we’re making it official. I’m going to be your husband and I’m going to be her father,” he says, leaning down to kiss my belly.

I don’t even argue with him, because I want that. I want all that.



Six weeks to the dot after Baby Grace is born

Leaning over, I watch our six-week-old daughter lying in the crib. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I ask Cat.

She has her baby boy on her chest and shrugs her shoulders. “You know it’s all right.” She gestures to the baby in her arms. “You know Max loves having her over. He doesn’t take his eyes off her the whole time she’s here.”

I gasp. “Wouldn’t it be something if they were boyfriend and girlfriend one day?”

The words barely leave my mouth and Gage is barreling into the room. “I know you’re not talking about my daughter having a boyfriend. That’s not happening. No way, no how.”

Cat and I both laugh. Gage is a big ol’ tattoed teddy bear when it comes to our daughter. He won’t have the heart to tell her no, except maybe when it comes to boyfriends. I can definitely say he’s going to say no to that.

He walks up behind me and circles his arms around me. I lose my train of thought when I feel his bulge pressing into my back. I lift my butt, pushing back into him. Two can play at this game. “No, really, Cat. Are you sure you don’t mind watching her for a few hours? We are just going to dinner and then we’ll be back.”

Cat just smirks. There’s no pulling one over on her. She knows I had my six-week check-up today. She knows what’s up. She assures me it’s fine and after I kiss Baby Grace at least twenty times, Gage and I finally walk outside hand in hand.

He opens the truck door and helps me in before walking around to the driver’s seat. He bought this big monstrosity after Grace was born. He said he knows he needs a family car, but he shut it down on a minivan. “Okay, little momma, what are you in the mood for? Italian, Chinese, a steak. You name it.”

He puts the truck into reverse and backs out of the driveway. I reach over and grip his leg. I lean over the console of his truck and run my hand up his inner thigh. I nibble on his ear before kissing his neck. “I don’t need food, Gage. I need you. It’s been six weeks, ya know.”

“Fuck.” He swears. I jerk my head up and he’s gripping on to the steering wheel until his knuckles are white. “I promised myself I was going to do this right. Take you out on a date, feed you, then take you home.”

I cup him in his jeans, massaging him softly. “What if I don’t want all that? I like my idea better.” When he doesn’t answer me, I pull away from him. “Unless you don’t want to. I mean, if you want to go out, that’s fine.”

I know I’ve put on quite a bit of weight with Grace, but he’s assured me all this time that he loves my curves. Maybe he was just blowing smoke. Lost in thought, I barely realize what’s happening until I hear the car horns as Gage presses on the gas and runs through a red light. “Gage!” I scream.

“It’s your fault. You can’t talk to me like that and not expect me to speed. Fuck, baby girl, I need to be inside you so bad I can barely stand it. Hold on, we’ll be home in two minutes.”

We get home in record time and I don’t wait for him to open my door. I hop out of the truck and almost beat him up the steps and into the house. We trip over each other, pulling off our clothes, and we finally land in our big king-size bed with a laugh. He grabs me by the arms and pulls me up his body. Brushing the hair off my face, he looks into my eyes. “I love you, you know that, right?”

Softly, I answer him. “I know.” He always amazes me. He always knows what I need to hear.

His thumb strums across my chin. “I love our life together. You and Grace both, you make me the happiest man on earth.”

I lick my lips, just waiting for his kiss. “You know, for a big, badass biker, you sure are a softie.”

He laughs out loud, rolling me over until I’m underneath him. “Softie, huh? I’ll show you softie.”

But before he does, I stop him. “You know I love you too. And this, our family, I never let myself dream I could ever have something like this. It’s all you, Gage. You did this. You’ve given me all I could ever want.”

He takes his thumb and wipes away the lone tear off my cheek before he kisses me. His kiss is everything, showing me the promise of his love and our future together.