“I’m too heavy. I can walk,” she tells me as she struggles to be set down.
But I just shake my head and hold her tighter. “You’re not too heavy. And honey, you look like you’re going to pass out.” I pull the chair out with my foot and set her down easily into it.
I pull another chair up and sit down facing her. I’m close enough to touch her, but I don’t. I can tell she needs her space right now, and whatever she needs I’m going to make sure she gets it. I spot the mini fridge in the corner and open it, pulling out a bottle of water. Uncapping it, I hand it to her and stand over her until she puts the bottle to her mouth.
I’m entranced by her and over time it seems to have gotten worse. When she’s near, I can’t take my eyes off her. When she’s working, I can’t take my eyes off her. And now, the thought of some other man with her makes me want to storm out of here and punch every one of the dumb fucks that would even think of doing this to her.
I want to touch her, I want to hold her and tell her that everything is going to be okay. But Roxy’s tough, and I know she wouldn’t appreciate me babying her. I still reach out and cover her hand that is lying on her knee with mine. A warm feeling spreads across my body and when she looks at me, I can see the hunger in her eyes. I feel like I’ve seen that look before. The feeling of déjà vu hits me but before I can dwell on it, it’s gone. I curl my fingers around hers, not wanting to let her go.
When the color comes back to her face, I tell her in the softest voice I can muster, “I’ll make sure he does right by you.”
Roxy’s strong independent spirit flares so big I can see it in her eyes before she even speaks. She pulls back from me. “You think I need a man to have and raise a baby? Have you met me?”
I can hear the emotional current under her words in her tone of voice and it makes me furious that she’s in the situation she’s in alone.
* * *
For a second there, I thought he remembered. I could see something in his face and a part of me was hoping he remembered, but the other part of me was praying he didn’t.
Should I tell him that he’s the father?
I was seriously debating it until he started spewing crap at me. I shouldn’t get so bent out of shape. I know he’s just worried about me. I keep waiting on the look telling me he thinks I’m a slut or something. But it never comes. All I see is worry… and maybe sheer determination.
“What are you going to do? Empty the guy’s pockets and pawn all of his shit to make me a nest egg?” I ask him, fishing for more information from him.
“Nest egg?” he asks incredulously. I can see the heat rising on his face and he gets up and starts pacing the room. “You deserve to have a man stand up and take full responsibility for what he’s done. I’ll make sure the guy gives that baby his last name.”
Baffled, I snort as I start to laugh. “A shotgun wedding? Are you serious right now? No. No way.” I get up from my chair and turn away from Gage, finished with the conversation. I’m hurting and deeply disappointed, and the pain in my chest feels like my heart is breaking in two. I hate that Gage said what he said. It means I can’t tell him about the baby. At least not yet.
I know as soon as I do, he’s going to try to force me to marry him. And if I was ever in a serious relationship with him, I’d want it to be because he wanted to be with me and loved me, not just be a father to our baby.
Our baby. I rub my hand down my stomach. God, I know I should tell Gage. But I can’t. Not now.
“I have to go to work,” I tell him over my shoulder and start to walk out.
I pause when he calls my name. I can’t even look at him, afraid I’ll give it all away.
“We need to talk about this,” he says.
“No. We don’t,” I say before leaving him and walking out to the bar. It’s already starting to get busy and for the first time I’m thankful. I need it to take my mind off it.
Iwatch her walk away. She’s all fire and pissed off and I’m checking out the sway of her ass as she goes. Shaking my head, I tell myself,This is Roxy.Quit looking at her like that, you fool.
I know her well enough to know I’ve pissed her off by saying the wrong thing. I let my emotions get the best of me and went at her like a bull. But there’s nothing I can think to say to fix it because I meant what I said.
I walk toward the bar and take a seat on one of the high stools. “The usual?” Cat asks me.
Nodding my head at her, I turn in my seat and watch as Roxy works on the other end. I start looking at the men that all seem to be vying for her attention, trying to figure out which one could be the father.
Cat sets the beer down in front of me. She’s sort of like Roxy’s best friend now, ever since Roxy helped her one night when she was having problems with Saint. “Do you know who the father is or have any ideas on who it could be?”
She had been about to walk away but turns back to me with her head tilted sideways, staring at me like she’s looking for something. “I had sort of hoped it was you.”