I eye him, wondering where this is going. Does the boss man have something for Cat?
He gets a ding on his phone and picks it up, reading the text before pocketing it again. “I’m surprised she danced with you the other night. She’s had an unspoken hands-off rule since she was taken in by the club.”
I just smirk at him. “Yeah, but I guess I’m different.”
I meant it as a joke, but Troy doesn’t crack a smile. He gets a look on his face that tells me he has seen things I hope I never do. “You didn’t see her when Ranger found her. Don’t mess with the girl unless you’re ready to claim her.”
I nod at the pres’ warning. I know that Cat didn’t take things with me as far as we did just for the hell of it. She’s not that kind of girl and I know that should scare the shit out of me. Instead, I feel like the luckiest fucker under the sun.
“All right, let’s finish the tour.” Troy turns then, leading me through the bay into the back room. I spend the next hour catching up with all the guys.
When we hear a lone motorcycle in the distance, I walk to the open bay doors and lean against it. Roxanne pulls in, spitting gravel everywhere as she pulls into a spot. My body becomes alert when I realize that Cat is on the back of the bike. She looks at me briefly and I raise my hand at her. She gives me a quick wave and takes off into the bar with Roxanne on her tail.They sure are in a hurry.
I pull my phone out of my pocket and look at the time. The bar should be filling up soon; maybe they are running late. I never asked her about her schedule.
I turn back to the guys and decide to bust Killian’s balls for falling for the sheriff’s daughter. “Of all the women, you had to fall for the one girl you shouldn’t.”
Maddox pops his head out from working on a bike. “You haven’t seen her, though, Saint.”
Killian looks at him menacingly. “What the fuck, Maddox? You looking at my girl?”
Maddox just grins and hides his head again. Killian turns to me and says, “Trust me, you’ll figure it out soon enough when you find the right one. Fuck, you may already know by the way I see you looking at Cat.”
I just nod my head at him. I think I get it.
I tell the guys bye and start walking to the bar. “Hey, Saint.”
Roxanne stops me outside the door. I always liked Roxanne and I like seeing her with Cat. Roxanne is like a mama bear, always looking out for everyone, and I think Cat needs that.
“Hey, Roxanne.”
I start to walk past her, but she stops me. “Hey, so your girl’s a little upset. We seen a few of the Outlaws in town and –”
“Did they mess with her?”
She shakes her head. “No, they didn’t even see her.”
Confused, I ask her, “So why was she upset?”
She doesn’t sugarcoat it. “Duh! Her ex is with the Outlaws. They’re the ones that beat her and left her—”
But I don’t wait to hear the rest of it. I rush inside the bar, needing to see her, needing to know she’s all right. She wouldn’t tell me who hurt her. And all this time I’ve thought she may be scared about nothing. Well, the Outlaws aren’t nothing. They’re the biggest badasses around, and everything they do is illegal. I’ve heard about how they treat the woman there and my hands clench at my sides thinking that they hurt Cat.
I run into the building, needing to see her, to put my eyes on her and my arms around her.
The night gets busy quick. I’m trying to concentrate on my work so as not to stare at the main entrance hoping and waiting for Saint to stride through it. My little talk with myself about being better off on my own and seeing the Outlaws as my wake-up call has already flown out the window. Already I’m worrying about seeing Saint again and how this is all going to play out.
It was unnecessary to watch the door, though. I don’t have to see him to know he’s here. The minute he walks in the door, I can feel the air change. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don’t allow myself to look at him. I feel so raw right now. I just keep working, needing the distraction. I fill two orders, and when I return to the bar with an empty tray, I know he’s close because I can almost hear the energy snapping in the air. He appears in front of me, and his strong arms wrap around my waist, his powerful, large hands cupping my ass in my skirt.
I should pull away. I told myself I would avoid him, but being in his arms is exactly what I want, what I need right now. Seeing the Outlaws was harder on me than I thought it would be. I know I’m stronger now. I know that I can handle it, but it doesn’t hurt having Saint’s arms around me to make me feel even stronger.
“You’re not avoiding me, are you?” he asks me. His hard cock is pressed against my stomach as if to silently let me know he isn’t going to be ignored.
“No, I just thought I’d let you make the next move. Don’t want to be that girl that acts like we’ve got something just because—”