Page 28 of Hope's Heartlands

I nod my head, thinking what she said is about right because he did about kill a man outside. I get lost in my work then, the loud classic rock blaring through the sound system, the laughter and voices talking, filling my head. I do my best to stay focused, but my thoughts keep going back to Gage.

* * *


I feel like a fuckin’ traitor. Roxy has always trusted me to have her best interests in mind. I’ve always looked out for her. She may not think she needs saving, but I’ve saved her from more worthless men than I can count. I would see the desire in their eyes as they looked at her and I would nip it in the bud quick. I feel like she’s always looked up to me.

But now, once I pictured taking her on Ranger’s desk it’s like I can’t turn it off. I can’t look at her like she’s someone I should be devouring. When she came out of the back and smiled at me, it’s the same smile she’s given me a hundred times. She’s always been beautiful to me, but her smiles used to seem sweet… innocent.

When she smiles at me now, I feel like she pulled the trigger on the starting gun, telling me to come and get her. How can one smile do that to me? Fill my head with all these sinful thoughts?

My cock is so hard thinking of her I know I can’t walk right. I’m supposed to be taking orders and helping wait tables and I can barely walk with my stiffy between my legs. I can’t remember the last time I was hard just by looking at a woman and every time I look at Roxy now—hell, just thinking about her does it to me.

I walk over to the bar and put an order in. “Two lite drafts.”

Roxy laughs and the soft melody does me even further in.

“What are you laughing about?”

She looks like she may not answer, but finally she shrugs her shoulders as if saying what the hell. “I was just thinking if this was a different kind of bar, one where there were more women than men, I bet you’d make really good money in tips right now.”

She sets the beers on my tray and I look at her questioningly.

She rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. “You know you look good, Gage.”

Her face heats up as she says it. I pick up the tray and start to walk away. Was she flirting with me? I turn and look at her and catch her looking at my ass. When she raises her eyes up to mine, she winks at me. Shocked, I trample over Saint and we both fall to the floor, covered in beer. When I look back up to Roxy, she and Cat are both laughing at us.Fuck, is this night ever going to end?



Aweek of watching Gage come into the bar and drinking every night has me worried. It’s not like he’s getting drunk, but he’s definitely drinking more than he usually does. But it’s not just the drinking that’s bothering me, it’s the fact that he’s said so little to me.

I’ve caught him staring at me and when I do, he turns away from me. He barely talks to me and when he does, it’s usually something really simple and he walks away from me. I don’t know what to think about it. He’s never treated me this way, not in the three years I’ve known him. He may be short and sometimes even a dick to others, but he’s always been gentle with me. Even Cat has been asking me what is going on with us. I tell her nothing, but it’s only because I don’t really have a clue what is bothering him.

I walk from behind the bar to where he’s sitting. He’s parked at his favorite booth and I can tell he’s already had a drink or two. I sit down across from him without even waiting to see if he’s all right with me joining him. I would’ve done it in the past and I refuse to think that our friendship has changed so much I can’t do the same now. He resituates himself in the seat and I can tell he’s uncomfortable. “What’s your beef with me, Gage?”

His look is guarded and he’s looking over my shoulder. He won’t even look me in the face. “Nothing,” he mutters.

I try to hide the pain from my face. I knock my knuckles on the table in front of him to get his attention. “You’re lying. Before now, I never would have thought that would happen. You’ve always been honest with me… until now.” I try to keep the emotion out of my voice, but that’s impossible. Gage means so much to me and the thought that I could be losing him almost destroys me. I need to tell him about the baby. But I can’t. Not like this.

Finally, he looks at me. “I’m not angry with you, if that’s what you’re asking. Though I should be. You couldn’t bring me a drink on your way over here?”

Gage is never rude to me—sometimes to others, but never to me. I know he’s doing it on purpose.

I want to get up and walk away, but how much our friendship means to me has me staying in my seat. “Is it that I’m pregnant? Well, get over it because I’m having this baby. I want him or her, and you acting like a dick to me isn’t going to change that.”

His scowl darkens and I know I was wrong. That’s not what he’s mad about. I’ve tried to figure it out all week and that’s all I could figure. I thought he was upset that I’m pregnant, but now I don’t know what his problem is.

I stand up from the table and lean over toward him. My intention is to let him know I mean business, that I’m not backing down. Our friendship is too important to me. “What is wrong with you?”

Gage’s gaze drops lower and I can feel it, like a heavy pressure that slides down my neck and over my cleavage. I’m sure I’m wrong, maybe misunderstanding his look, but when he keeps staring at my breasts, I lose all my conviction and straighten up. “I’ll get you that drink.” I tell him before I walk away.

I retreat to the bar, my heart feeling as if it’s broken in two. I no sooner get the mug out than Gage has his hand on my arm, pulling me toward Ranger’s office. He opens the door and shuts us inside. My mouth drops open in shock, watching him as he paces back and forth. I’m trying to catch up, from our conversation back in the bar to me walking away and to now, me standing with him in a closed office. I’m trying to figure out what in the world is wrong with him.

He comes toward me and walks me backwards until I’m against the closed door. “You want to know what’s wrong with me?”

His hands are on each side of my head and my head is tilted back so I can look up at him. His chest is heaving, almost like he’s been running. His nostrils are flared and I can see the tick in his jaw. He looks like a man that is barely hanging on and if I say anything it might put him over the edge. So I just stare up at him and wait. I’ve never seen him like this. It’s a little scary, but it’s a lot hot.