He stares at me with his mouth in a smirk. I can tell he’s not impressed or had a change of heart after that night so many years ago.
He starts to say something, but the sound of motorcycles stops him. I turn to the noise and I can’t keep the smile off my face. My brothers are here. At least twenty bikes pull in and they all jump off their bikes, walking over to me, hugging me, fist bumping me and patting me on the shoulder. They separate me from the sheriff, and while they’re all talking at once, I take a glance over at the patrol car. Sheriff Ramsey is staring at me and even from this far away I can see the hatred on his face.
Turning away, I look around at my men, and the feeling of brotherhood fills me up. We may be a wild crew, but it’s my crew.
Looking around, I lay eyes on my bike. I stride over to it and immediately swing my leg over. Maddox walks over to me and slaps me on the back. “I’ve kept her at the garage, Saint. She’s in great shape.”
I grip the handlebars tightly. “Thanks, brother.”
Everyone starts to walk away and Gage turns around to me. “Ride or Die?”
I nod my head at the mention of the bar the club owns. Me getting out of the joint is definitely reason enough for a party.
I rev the engine and take off down the road, leading my crew. I could drive faster but I don’t want to. I want to cherish this moment and really enjoy it. There’s a feeling you get when you ride down the road on your own hog. Not a care in the world and the world at your feet. It’s almost a better feeling than getting out of prison.
I pull into the dusty gravel parking lot and get off my bike. The ride wasn’t long enough, but hell, I need to spend some time with my guys.
The boys surround me as we walk in and find some tables. Just walking through I see a lot of old faces but also a lot of new ones. They’re all calling out to me, welcoming me back.
Ranger brings me a beer and as things start to get settled down, I sit with Gage to catch up on what’s happening with the club.
He bangs his fist down on the table. “We did it, Saint. All that we talked about, we did it.”
We had talked about a lot of things and I don’t know which one he’s talking about. “What did you do?”
He takes a swig from his beer and sets it down hard on the table between us. He’s angry, I can tell. “We, Saint. It’s still we. You may have been gone for a while, but when we’re talking about the club, we’re still a we.”
I nod my head, understanding him. And I know he’s right. This club is so much a part of who I am. It’s why I survived being in lockup. “Okay, what did we do?”
He stares back at me for so long, I know he’s going for effect. I’m waiting on some big admission when he finally spits it out. “We went straight.”
I have to pick my jaw up off the floor. He’s right. We talked about it all the time. How the stress of selling drugs and doing illegal shit was too much. It wasn’t worth it. Gage and I had started working hard to turn things around. We wanted the club to go straight and the majority was with us.
“So we’re good?” I ask him, needing to make sure.
He shrugs his shoulders. “We still have enemies. The drug cartel wants us dead, they feel like we’ve left them high and dry. The Outlaws want to take over all of our illegal dealings, but we’re not letting that happen. We’re doing our best to keep our town clean. Of course, Sheriff Ramsey is still after us, but we can handle him.”
“Good, good,” I tell him. I know I’ve got a lot to catch up on, but I don’t want to do it now. I set my empty beer down and glance over at the bar. The first thing I see is a woman that I’ve never seen before. She’s beautiful and even from here I can tell she’s got a body built for sin.
“Who’s that?” I point the empty bottle at the woman at the bar.
Gage turns in his chair to look and then looks back at me, shaking his head. “She’s off limits. Ranger put the word out.”
It hits me in the gut. “She’s Ranger’s ol’ lady?”
He just laughs. “Hell no, and I wouldn’t let Ruby hear you say that either.”
“Who’s Ruby?”
Gage just shakes his head. “Boy, you’ve been gone a while. Ranger is with Ruby. Killian and Chain have settled down too.”
Confusion takes over. I can’t get over that my brothers are settling down. Fuck, I was gone for a long time. “What? Okay, so who’s she and why is Ranger putting orders out about her?” I ask him, pointing at the woman at the bar.
Gage leans across the table at me. “Because Ranger found her almost beat to death. She’s pretty skittish and Ranger told everyone to give her space.”
My fists clench and I have to make myself release the beer bottle before it breaks in my hand. The thought that someone put their hands on her about kills me. “Who? Who did it?”
I’m already getting up, not waiting for an answer, wanting to walk over her, get closer to her. But before I can get anywhere, Barbie stops me, pushing me back into my chair and plopping down in my lap, hugging me. I hug her because she’s so excited to see me, but her hair is making it hard for me to see the woman at the bar.