“Dominic Evans. Let’s go.”

I stand up and walk over as the guard opens the cell. I hold out my arms, expecting him to shackle me again, but he waves his hands. “You’re free to go.”


He gestures toward the front of the jail. “It helps when you have the right friends.”

Walker is standing at the door, hands in his front pockets.

I walk over to him, rubbing my wrists. “Thanks.”

He shrugs. “I didn’t have to do much. Lucky for you I had all the proof on Ray and all the laws he’s broken. He has about five warrants for his arrest.”

I sigh and follow Walker through the door to the front of the station. There’s a guard that hands me my wallet and phone, and we’re out the door.

“How’d you know I was here?”

“Luciana called me.”

I get into the passenger side of Walker’s SUV. “Is she okay?”

“Stubborn. That’s what she is. I had to convince her not to come down here. I didn’t know what I’d be dealing with once I got here, so I told her you’d want her to stay at home and wait for you. But she’s fine.”

He drives me across town. “Can you take me over to Lucy’s mom’s house? That’s where my truck is.”

He nods. I don’t even have to give him an address; he just knows where to go. I’ve quitquestioning how Walker knows things because he seems to know anything and everything that happens in Whiskey Run.

“Look, you may be questioned about this. If so, you don’t talk to anyone without my attorney with you. Just call me, and I’ll send him over.”

“Why are you doing this, Walker?”

He laughs. “We’re friends, Dom. I know that’s a weird concept for you. You think the world is against you because of your past, but that’s not the case. I know you're a good man… plus I don’t like a man that hits a woman. I’m now on a mission to make sure that scumbag ends up in jail.”

“Thank you,” I tell him.

“Sure thing.”

We’re silent the rest of the way to Lucy’s mom’s house. When he pulls into the driveway and parks, I thank him again.

“No worries. Just call if you’re questioned. I’m serious. You don’t talk to anyone without an attorney.”

I nod. “Got it. Thanks, Walker.”

I shut the door and then run up the steps to the house. Instead of barging in this time, I knock on the door and then wait for someone to answer.

I’m holding my breath when the door opens. “Dominic, you’re out,” Ms. Raven exclaims. She backs into the house, holding the door open. “Come on in.”

I walk into the house and look around. “Where’s Lucy?”

“She left.”

It’s like a punch to the gut. “Is she okay?”

She nods. “Oh yeah, she’s strong. She’s going to be okay… thanks to you.”

I blink in surprise at her, and she continues, “I’m sorry, Dominic. I’m sorry for misjudging you. I’m sorry for earlier at the hospital, and I’m sorry for how I treated you all those years ago.”

“You were protecting your daughter. It’s okay—”