I turn in my seat and look at him. “What’s up with you?”

He’s not fazed by the question. “I’m not the one acting like someone kicked my puppy.”

“Have you ever loved someone so much that you know they deserve better than you, but you can’t give them up?”

He clenches the steering wheel. “Damn. Going straight to the hard questions, aren’t you?”

I turn in my seat and wait for his answer.

He finally nods his head. “Yeah. I have.”

“What’d you do?”

He shakes his head. “Well, nothing. I haven’t done anything.”

“Well, that’s fucked up, Gabe. Nothing?”

He shrugs as he drives with one hand on the steering wheel and the other arm on the door. “Well, I’m working on being the man she deserves. I think that’s all you can do, right?’

Instead of answering, I look out the window, lost in thought. I think about Lucy and everything we’ve been through. She shouldn’t forgive me, Iknow that. But she did. We shouldn’t be so good together, but we are. It’s like I was living a life in black and white when Lucy was away from me, and now it feels like I’ve been given a second chance. I can’t fuck it up. I won’t let myself.

Gabe interrupts my thoughts. “I’m guessing we’re talking about Lucy.”

“Yeah,” I grunt.

He laughs. “Buddy, this is all I got to say about it. She was with another man that hit her.” He points to his face. “He hit her right in the face.”

Anger bubbles up inside me just thinking about it. “Yeah.”

“If she was with you, would you ever hit her?”

I jerk my head around so fast. “What kind of question is that? Of course I wouldn’t hit her. Hell, I want to kill the bastard that did it.”

He nods, tapping his hand on the steering wheel. “Right. You would love and protect her for the rest of your life. You’re different with her, Dom. We’ve all seen it.”

I answer him simply. “She makes me happy.”

He looks at me across the console. “Right, well, it’s obvious you make her happy too. So I think that’s your answer.”

He makes it sound so easy, but I know it’s not. “Your logic is off. You think I should be with her because we make each other happy. What if that’s not enough? What if I come between her and her mom? She’s going to resent me one day.”

He seems to think about it. “Do you want to spend the next ten years without her?”

“Hell no.”

He chuckles. “Right. So fix this, Dom. Get the girl. Have the babies and be happy. I know you don’t think you deserve to be happy, but you do. And if her mom doesn’t want her to be happy, that’s on her. You and Lucy need to live your lives.”

He stops in the street in front of the garage. I run my hands down the front of my legs and then open the door. Before I get out, I stop to ask him, “What about you? Who were you in love with that you didn’t think you deserved?”

He opens his mouth and then closes it real quick. “It doesn’t matter.”

I get out, shut the door, and then lean into the window of his truck. “Hey, what do you make of Chrissy? You think she’s going to be okay?”

His head jerks up, and his whole body is tense. “What do you mean?”

I knew it. I’ve had a hunch there was something going on with him and Chrissy, but they’ve bothdenied it. Judging by his reaction, they’re hiding something. “I’m not sure really. Maybe it’s the new baby and it will blow over.”

“What will blow over?”