She shrugs, her face not giving anything away. “What was that about afterward? Is everything okay?”

I debate on telling her, but decide it’s best to come clean. “I asked him to tell me the name of your business partner.”

She looks at me curiously. “And did he tell you?”

“No, he didn’t. But you could tell me, Lucy. Just give me a name, and I’ll talk to him and get the money he owes you.”

She laughs, and it’s then I realize how much I have missed hearing her laugh. Years ago, when we were together, she was always laughing. “Dom, I’m not getting you mixed up in all that.”

I start to interrupt her, but she puts her hand on my chest to stop me. “No, listen. I know you, Dominic Evans, and you wouldn’t just get my money back.”

I grit my teeth but don’t deny it. “You’re right. I’d probably teach him a lesson or two about putting his hand on a woman.”

Her hand slides up my chest to my shoulder, and she squeezes me there. “I know that… and that’s why I’m not going to get you involved.”

I could stand here all day with her hand on me. I don’t move or even take a breath for fear of her realizing that she’s touching me. We stare into eachother’s eyes, and I can feel the shift between us. I can’t help but wonder if she feels it too.

Eventually, she lifts her hand from me and takes a step back. I start to panic, and I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

She doesn’t tense or even hesitate. “Sure, anything.”

My eyebrows lift, and I lean in. “Anything?”

She smirks. “Anything within reason. I figure I owe you at this point.”

It’s my turn to hold my hands up. “No, you don’t owe me anything… that’s not what this is about.”

She laughs and swats me in the chest. “Ease up, Evans. Ask me the favor.”

I want to pull her to me, but I keep my hands at my sides. I can hear the emotion in my voice as I ask her. “Be my date for the fundraiser this weekend.”

The easygoing smile on her face disappears, and I want to take back the words I just asked her, but instead I switch it up. “I mean, my fake date. I know you don’t want to date me, and I don’t have any reason to ask you to do this, but you’d be helping me out.”

She bites on to her lip, and I want to reach up and run my thumb across her mouth to soothe it. She looks unsure, and I hate seeing that on her face. “How would me going on a fake date with you help you out?”

“Well, I know you’ve noticed the amount of women that come into the garage.”

She grunts and rolls her eyes.

“Right, well, it’s both been a blessing and curse doing the monthly auto maintenance lessons in town. Business has picked up… but some of these women are feral.”

She laughs. “Are you really asking me to be your date because you’re afraid of a few women?”

I look her straight in the eye. “I’ve had Ms. Gleason show up at my apartment at ten o’clock at night in a negligee. Ms. Holden brought me a cake to the garage, and the card was a naked picture of herself. Ms. Stroker acted like her car had broken down out at Lookout Point and then tried to kiss me when I went to tow her in. So yeah, maybe if people thought I was seeing someone, then word will spread, and I wouldn’t have these… uh incidents anymore.”

She’s considering it, and I’m holding my breath waiting for her to answer me. I know it soundsridiculous, but she really would be helping me out. But more than that, I’d get to spend more time with Lucy.

“Isn’t Mrs. Gleason in her seventies now?”

I nod. “Yep.”

“Fine,” she mutters.

I can’t hide my surprise. “You’ll do it?”

She waves her hand at me. “It’s one fake date, Dom. After everything you’ve done for me since I got back, I can handle one fake date.”

I hate that this is the only way I can convince her to go on a date with me. “You ready to get back into town?”