I lay the bagged dress and the box on the bed next to her suitcase. “I think that will be appropriate for tonight.”
For the first time since I came in here, she smiles. “Lucy. She thinks of everything.”
I could tell her that the dress and items are from me, but I just shrug my shoulders, not wanting her smile to go away.
“I would like you to stay because there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
She tenses, the dress forgotten. “What?”
“I’ve talked to the principal at Whiskey Run Elementary School. They have availability for you to do your student teaching there this spring.”
She points to the floor. “Here? In Whiskey Run?”
I nod, seeing the excitement in her face. I hopedshe would like the idea, but it seems she likes it more than I hoped. But just as fast, she’s shaking her head. “No, I can’t do that. I’m moving in with my brother and have it set up to student teach at a school near him.”
“You can stay here.”
“Here? Stay here? On your ranch?”
I nod, smiling. “Yeah, it’s only a fifteen-minute drive into town. You can stay here, and in the evenings we can have dinner together. I can take you riding on the weekends, and I’ll even go to the farmer’s market in town. Lucy said you love that at school.”
She looks at me as if I’m growing a second head or something. “What’s going on, Cash? I don’t get this. Any of it.”
She looks overwhelmed, and I know that after the way I’ve treated her, she’s not going to believe I’ve had a change of heart or anything. “Can you do me a favor?”
She puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head. Finally, I’m getting a glimpse of that sass. “I don’t know. Can you tell me what’s going on?”
She’s not ready to hear it. I know she’s not. “Promise me that you’ll think about it. Promise methat you’ll consider student teaching here in Whiskey Run.”
She’s about to tell me no, and I move toward her, not stopping until we’re toe to toe. I know I’m not playing fair. I put a hand on each side of her face and bring it up so she’s looking at me. “All I’m asking is for you to consider it. Give me a few days, Daisy. I know I haven’t always been right with you… Give me a chance to make it up to you.”
She licks her lips, and I’ve never wanted to kiss a woman as much as I do now. “Cash, I already have student teaching set up.” I start to talk, and she puts her hand on my arm. I slam my mouth closed because it’s the first time she’s ever touched me, and I am not prepared for how my body reacts. She starts to talk again, and I try to focus on her words. “I’ll stay for the party, but that’s all I can promise.”
Because I can’t resist, I lean down and press my lips to her forehead and then step back. My cock is hard in my jeans, and if I stand here much longer, she’s going to know exactly what I’m thinking. “Good. I need to go check on things, but I’ll see you downstairs.”
I turn to go and almost get out the door when she stops me. “Cash.”
Fuck, how have I lived without hearing my name on her lips? “Yeah, Daisy?”
“I’ll stay for the party, but if you hurt me again, I’m leaving… and I’m not ever coming back.” She takes a deep breath and lets it out. “Your sister is my best friend, but I can’t keep letting you treat me like you have.”
I shake my head, wondering if I’ve handled all of this wrong. I wish I could make her understand that I’ve done all of this for her. I knew she wasn’t ready for a relationship with me. And I knew that I wouldn’t be able to exist here in Whiskey Run while she was three hours away at college. I’ve bided my time, and even if she hasn’t graduated yet, she’s close. And I can’t wait a minute longer.
I grip the door in my hand. “I know I don’t deserve it, Daisy, but I’m asking you to forgive me.” I hold my hand up. “I know I haven’t earned your forgiveness, but I will. There are so many things I’ve done wrong, but if you give me time, I’m going to make it right.”
Surprise registers on her face. “Okay,” she mutters, unsure.
I nod my head at her gruffly. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
I’m about to say hell with it, go across the room,and take her in my arms. My thoughts are crazy and possessive, and I want to seal the deal and make her mine in every way. Instead, I walk out of the room and close the door firmly behind me. She’s here now, and I need to do things right. From this point forward, everything I do is going to be for Daisy.
I fall back and sit on the bed.Did that really just happen? Did Cash Wyatt really just apologize to me and tell me he wants me to stay?
I’m barely able to form a coherent thought when there’s a knock at the bedroom door. I jump off the bed and practically trip getting to it, thinking that Cash is back. When I open the door and find Lucy on the other side, I can’t hide my disappointment. “Oh, it’s you.”