“Well, I thought we should talk. Is that okay?”
Her interest piqued, she nods her head, and I lead them to the living room. They both sit down on the couch, and I sit on the coffee table in front of them. I decide not to beat around the bush. “I want you guys to move in here.”
“What?” Cat asks as Cole pumps his fist in the air. “Yes!”
“Holden, we can’t do that.”
“Why not?” I ask her, ready to argue any excuse she can give me.
“Well, because…” She looks at Cole and then raises her eyebrows at me. “Holden, it wouldn’t be appropriate.”
I nod knowingly. “For now, you would be inyour old rooms, but I want you both here, under my roof, with me.” I leave out the part where I want her in my bed. Now is not the time to say that.
“But—” she starts, and I shake my head to stop her. “Cat, I’m willing to go as slow as you need me to. We can date, do family stuff together, and eventually, when you’re ready… you will be my wife.”
“Wife!” she exclaims.
“Yes!” Cole screams, jumping up and down now.
Cat stands up and puts her hands on Cole’s shoulders. “Hey, bud, since it’s late, we’re going to stay here tonight so why don’t you head up to your room, and we’ll talk more in the morning.”
Cole looks alarmed, no doubt fearful that she’s going to say no. The other day, I would have felt the same, but now after she told me she loved me and I claimed her in front of the whole stadium tonight, she’s going to say yes. It’s just going to take some convincing.
I fist-bump Cole. “Your room is ready for you. There’s some clothes to sleep in, and I put a toothbrush in the bathroom for you.”
He nods. “Good night, Holden. Good night, Mom.”
He hugs his mom, and as soon as he’s out of the room, she turns on me. “Holden Gray, what are you thinking? You should have talked to me about this first.”
I grab her and move us to the couch so she’s sitting on my lap. “I know that. Do you forgive me?”
“This is all just moving so fast.”
“I know what it’s like to share a home with you. Spending time with you and Cole, having dinner, hanging out, talking… I don’t want to go back, Cat. I just want us to move forward. I love you, and you love me.”
She puts her hand to my cheek. “I do love you, but I have an impressionable teenage son, and what’s he going to think about his mom shacking up?”
I interrupt her. “We’re not shacking up. You’re going to be in your room and I’m going to be in my room—”
She looks at me with doubt. “Oh yeah, how long do you think that will last?”
“Until I wear you out and convince you to marry me.”
She rears back. “What? You’re serious about that?”
I put my hands on each side of her face and hold her close. “I know what my life is like without you in it, Cat. I need you like I need air to breathe. I want you to be my wife. I want to share every day with you and Cole. I want to hear about your days, be here when you need me. I want the good, the bad, all of it.”
She wants to say yes. I can see all the emotions on her face, but she shakes her head. “This is crazy, Holden.”
But she’s here with me now, and I plan to take full advantage. “Stay here with me. I’ll give you time to get used to me, we’ll date, we’ll do all the things… and when you’re ready, you will be my wife.”
She loops her arms around my neck. “Are you sure about this, Holden?”
I kiss her because I can’t hold back anymore. She is the one for me, and I have no doubt about it. The kiss is heated, holding the promise of a future between us. I have to force myself to pull back. “Yeah, I’m sure. I love you.”
“And you know I’m a package deal?”
“I love Cole,” I tell her simply. “The kid is amazing, and I want to be the man he looks up to.”