I’m nodding as I follow behind him and try not to show any reaction when he mentions this dual shower heads. We’ve lost Cole at this point because he’s still looking at all the trophies in his room. I escape the bathroom because even though it’s huge, it’s still confining being in there with Holden. “Your home is beautiful.”
“Thanks. I had it professionally decorated. If it was up to me it would be TVs, mini fridges, and bean bag chairs.”
“Well, Cole would love that, and there’s something to say about the simplicity of a bean bag chair. It’s lightweight, and you can just drop it anywhere and have a place to sit.” I barely resistrolling my eyes. Am I really having a conversation with him about bean bag chairs? “Thank you again for inviting us to eat dinner. Do you want to go over the schedule I’ve come up with while we’re waiting?”
Before he can answer, I’m leading us out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I don’t stop until we’re back in the living room. I’m glad I saved my notes on my phone, so I open it and start discussing the schedule. We talk about running, therapy, and recovery. “And of course before we start each day, I’ll stretch you out.”
For the first time, Holden looks almost like he’s in pain. “You’re going to stretch me out?”
“Yeah, I think it’s important, especially when we first start. A lot of people think they stretch enough, but most don’t. This way you’ll know what’s expected of you.”
He opens his mouth, but before he can say whatever it is he’s going to say, the doorbell rings. “I’ll be right back.”
Shoot, I left my wallet in the car. “Here, let me run out and get my purse.”
He holds his hand up to stop me. “You don’t pay… when you’re with me, you don’t pay, Cat.”
I laugh like it’s a joke but then stop when I realize he’s being for real. “But—”
I don’t get the rest out. The doorbell rings again, but he’s not going to be rushed. He leans down until we’re eye to eye. “When you’re with me, I pay.”
I could argue with him and tell him that it doesn’t make sense, but it’s obvious that’s not going to matter. For some reason, this is important to him. I gulp as he stares me down, and when I finally nod, he smiles at me and then goes to answer the door.
I’m trying to catch my breath when Cole comes running, and I meet him at the bottom of the steps. “Come on, we’ll go to the kitchen to get plates.”
As I’m grabbing plates and utensils, Holden comes in and stops at the island. Cole is already seated at a stool, and I put out the plates. We work together like we’ve done this before, and it’s a little disturbing to my need to keep this all professional.
Holden opens a bag and pulls out a big bowl of salad, setting it in the middle. He then opens the cheese pizza box and sets it down in front of Cole. The second box he sets in front of me. My mouth drops when I see the vegetable-covered pizza. “You got me a pizza? I could have eaten the cheese.”
He shrugs like it’s not a big deal. “You should have what you want.”
My mouth is hanging open as I stare at him. Is he for real? I think this is the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a while. Why am I getting all teary-eyed over a pizza? “Thank you,” I stutter out.
He seems taken aback by my sincerity. He pulls out two pieces of pizza and puts them on my plate. “You’re welcome.”
We eat in silence for a few minutes, and I’m beginning to wonder if this is a good idea or not. How am I going to stay professional if he’s going to do nice things for me? And even though Jeremy and I are not that serious and nothing has happened between Holden and me, I still feel guilty. I have a feeling the next two months are going to be a challenge for me and not because of my job. That I can do. It’s these feelings that Holden evokes in me. These feelings I don’t know what to do with.
I’m not sure what I was thinking. Did I really think I could work closely with Cat and not want more? It’s been a week since she and Cole moved in, and Cat and I have spent most days together.
She wasn’t joking when she said she was going to stretch me out before every exercise. Every morning, she massages my arms and legs before taking me through a routine of stretches, and then we run three miles. It’s been a week of pure torture.
And this morning is not any different. “I can do this on my own.”
She seems taken aback by my short attitude, and I instantly want to apologize, but the other part of me hopes she concedes. She’s dressed in leggings and a tank top. Her hair is in a ponytail, and shedoesn’t have a hint of makeup on, but she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. There’s no way around it: When she works with me, she’s just too close, and I’m doing my best to keep my distance from her, but it’s getting damn near impossible.
“You know the rules, Holden. Until I think you’re stretching enough on your own, I’m doing it for you. We don’t want another injury.”
Instead of getting up on the table, I rest my hands on it and hang my head between my shoulders. Not another day. “I can’t do this, Catherine.”
She stops next to me, but I don’t look at her. “Well, this sounds serious. Catherine, huh?”
I blink and try to ready myself to look her in the eye. I finally look at her, and I can already feel myself weakening. I can’t let her put her hands on me.
“I’m sorry, Cat. I just mean, I’m an adult. I can stretch myself out.”