Page 12 of Tame the Player

She gets flustered. “No, of course not. I’m just saying that I have a thirteen-year-old boy. Animpressionable thirteen-year-old boy, and I’m trying to teach him how to treat a woman.”

As innocently as I can muster, I tell her in a seductive voice, “Trust me, I know how to treat a woman.”

Her cheeks get redder, and it’s amazing to watch as the flush carries down her neck and chest. “This isn’t going to work—"

She shoots to her feet, and I do the same. I put my hand around her wrist, and when I do, we both stare at the spot where I’m touching her. I release her, holding my hands up away from her. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have touched you. Uh, I get it. I’ll be respectful.”

She has so much doubt in her eyes when she looks at me. She crosses her arms over her chest. “Really? I won’t have to worry about my son seeing you traipse women in and out of here?”

I’m completely sincere when I answer her. “Absolutely not. I’m one hundred percent focused on getting better. No women.”

She’s still holding her arms around herself. “And your girlfriend is okay with that?”

Surprised doesn’t even cover it. I’ve searched online to find anything I can on her, but I neverthought she would have done the same. “You looked me up?”

She rolls her eyes, and then as if she realizes it’s not professional, she gives me a pointed look. “Of course I looked you up. I’m going to bring my kid around you.”

“Okay.” I shrug.

But that’s not good enough. “So your girlfriend… is she going to be here?”

“If you mean the woman that I have dated on and off the last couple of months, no, she won’t be here. She came yesterday, and I told her I wouldn’t be able to play for two months. She let me know she was going to give me space so I can get better.”

Her face contorts before she even realizes it. She throws a hand up. “Did she not think she should stick around to help you or be there for you?”

This is getting too deep. I never talk about myself, but with Cat, it’s so easy just to tell her everything I’m thinking and feeling. Well, not everything because I think if she knew what I was thinking about her, it would freak her out. “Kendall and I were just dating, and I knew exactly why she was dating me.”

If her face was pink before, it’s a bright cherryred now. She starts to stutter and stammer, and it’s then I realize what she thought I meant. I could play with her a little and see if I can make her blush any more, but I can tell it’s important to her that she keep this professional. “She was dating me so she could be my plus one for events. It’s fine. I knew exactly what our relationship was. I’m fine that it’s over.”



I’m angry for him even though he acts unbothered by it all. What kind of person ends a relationship like she did? I grit my teeth and remind myself that I have to remain professional and I shouldn’t get involved.

“Anyway, I was thinking that before we finalize everything, it would be a good idea for you to meet Cole.”

His eyes light up. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’d love to meet him. Let’s do that.”

Why does the fact that he looks genuinely happy to meet my son make my belly do a little flip? “Great, so let me go and get him. He’s outside in the car.”

I walk out of the house and down the frontsteps, and Cole is leaning against the car. He’s so excited about this, and even though I’ve talked to him about how we’re here for a job and he’s going to have to leave Mr. Gray alone, I know that Cole will be on his best behavior. “You ready?”

His eyes are wide, and he nods his head up and down. It’s like he can’t believe this is happening, and now the time has come for him to meet one of his idols. He spent all morning telling me what a neat job I have.

As soon as we get to the front door, I’m debating if I should knock again or not, but I don’t have to make a decision because the door swings open.

Cole is practically vibrating next to me when Holden holds his hand out to him. “Hey, Cole, I’m Holden Gray.”

Cole shakes his hand excitedly. “Hello, Mr. Gray.”

Holden stands back to let us in. “Cole, call me Holden.”

He leads us back into the living room and points at the couch. My son bounces onto the cushions, and I wince as I look between Holden and Cole. I swear teenage boys never just sit, it’s more of a bounce, thud, or dive than anything else. I lookaround at the sturdy furniture and think surely Cole couldn’t do too much damage in the two months we’ll be here.

“Can I get you guys something to drink?”

“We’re fine,” I tell him. “Thank you.”