Page 19 of Hire A Cuddler

I glance around the café, looking through the flowers on every table, and I see Cassie already in a booth, smiling at me. “Fine,” I call to April. “Cassie will take them home with her, okay?”

April nods emphatically. “That’s just fine, butdon’t think you’re going to try and leave them behind. I’m already giving out a rose with every purchase.”

I try to smile at her. “Well, I’m sure your patrons appreciate that.”

She rolls her eyes. “I don’t know what’s up with what, but maybe you should forgive the guy. He obviously knows he’s messed up and is trying to make it right.”

I wave at her before dropping down in the seat across from Cassie. I hold the three vases of flowers up. “Here you go. I brought you something.”

She leans forward and whispers, “There’s no way I can take those home. Baker will not be happy with me bringing home flowers that were sent from another man.”

I plead with her, “If you explain, he’ll understand.”

She laughs. “Baker will not understand, I guarantee it. He’s pretty territorial.”

I’ve always been a little jealous of my friend and her husband. It’s almost sickening to be around the two of them for how much in love they are. “How come when you say that, it’s like you like it that he’s territorial?”

She shrugs and smirks. “It’s pretty hot, Haven.”

I roll my eyes. “Geez, whatever. Fine, you don’t have to take the flowers home with you, but you do have to help me dispose of them because I’m not taking them home with me.”

“Fine, I can do that.”

I lean up and do my best to set them up on top of the table. Cassie reaches over to help me, and we both laugh when we can’t see each other because of the huge arrangements. I push them to the side and lean forward. “Thanks for meeting me.”

“Of course. How are you doing?”

I lean back and think about the loaded question she just asked me. How am I doing? “Well, I’ve been better.”

She nods and leans forward. “Hear me out.”

I tense up. “Okay.”

At that moment, April comes over with a tray and sets plates and drinks on the table. “Here you go, ladies. Enjoy!”

“Thank you,” Cassie and I say at the same time.

She holds the tray against her stomach. “Okay. Let me know if you all need anything.”

“Thanks, April.”

She nods and walks away.

Cassie points at the food. “I got you a turkeysandwich, but we’re having dessert today. I don’t want to hear any complaints.”

I take a bite of the sandwich, and even though I can’t taste it, I take my time chewing it up. “Fine.”

After wiping my mouth with a napkin, I tell Cassie, “Thanks for meeting me.”

She picks at her own sandwich. “You already said that.”

I blow out a breath. “Yeah, sorry. I’m not on my game lately.”

She nods her head and then leans forward again. “Okay, you going to listen to me?”

I hesitate for just a minute before answering her. Cassie was my best friend in high school, and I’m closer to her than anyone. “Yeah. I’m listening.”

“Okay, so I had Baker look into Ridge.”