Page 77 of Go Cook Yourself

He rechecks his phone. Many cars are squeezed into my sister’s driveway, but all the lights in the house are off.

My parents’ car pulls up beside us. “What’s going on, Garett? Is my sister okay?” She told me she was spending the day with my parents, buying things for the nursery.

“Come on, Ruby,” Garett says. “And don’t forget the…” His words trail off when he sees the cake tin upside down on the floor. “…delicious mess.”

We leave the van, and I find myself standing next to Amber, who’s exited Mum and Dad’s car.

“You okay?” I ask her under my breath.

“Yeah, but what’s happening? Who do all these cars belong to, and why are you here with Garett and cake tins?”

I shrug. “I thought we were going to the wine merchants.”

“Ladies,” Mum says, “come with me.”

We stumble behind her like two awkward teenagers heading to a posh restaurant.

“Close your eyes,” Garett says.

We step through the front door with Amber leading the charge, wobbling with her huge pregnancy belly and hands over her eyes.

“Close your eyes,” he repeats. I glare at him, and he stares back until I close them.

My body shakes as Garett grips my hips and helps me walk straight. I wet my lips and embrace his scent.

Suddenly, a crowd shouts, “Surprise!” and lights flash on. My eyes open wide. There’s a giant green banner above the fireplace.Amber’s Baby Showeris decorated in bright orange.

I recognise a couple of her friends who used to hang around before I left with Neil. Wicksy stands with Kath and a couple of strangers. In the corner, Flora beams. Jem stands to the side, looking like he’s turned up at what he thought was a slash metal concert, only to find it’s the Spice Girl reunion.

“This is amazing,” I say, laughing. “You did this for Amber?”

He blushes. “It was your parents’ idea. Flora helped a lot.”

The space is decorated in every colour but pink and blue. My sister will love it. The room is filled with some of the fanciest food I’ve seen. A range of hors d’oeuvres, patisserie-style desserts, and gourmet pies and appetisers leave my mouth watering and my belly rumbling. My brows furrow as I stare at Garett.

“Did you?”

“Something little for you and to say thank you to Amber.” His words are cut short by a scream that silences the crowd instantly.

Fear fills my heart like ice has been dropped down my back, but as I look back, Kalen, my brother-in-law, walks across the room and takes my sister in his arms. He holds her close as she weeps. He covers her with kisses, and she sobs between words. “You came home. Please tell me you’re home now.”

“I’m home, baby. Now let’s get you looked after and rested because you deserve it.”

The outpouring of love is so dazzling that we divert our eyes so they can have their reunion. My parents beckon everyone to the kitchen to get a plate, and Flora walks around the group, asking who needs a top-up of Cloudy mocktail.

Garett takes my hand and leads me to the garden.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped.”

I see the reason as he pushes open the door to my cabin: aWelcome Home Rubybanner drapes across my room. My cabin is full of candles and special toiletries. I walk around the space, gasping as I reach for icing nozzles that create shapes I’ve never seen before.

“Custom-made Ruby nozzles,” he says, leaning against the wall with a beaming smile.

Sitting on the bed is a bowl that looks exactly like the one my cheating ex smashed.


“I interrogated your sister and had one made. You’ve had a shit time, Rubes, and as much as this party is for Amber, I wanted to make sure you were treated, too. I was a dick when you joined the school, but you’ve made every day fun, and I wanted to say thank you. It’s a thank you from all of us.”