“I thought you’d like them.”
“You wore them for my benefit?”
She grumbles, “If that keeps you hard at night, then sure, you can believe it.”
Her eyes travel down my body and back up. She’s eye fucking me as she lets her hair out of its bun before securing it into a ponytail. I grit my teeth and imagine lightly winding that ponytail around my fist as she’s bent over in front of me.
I need a cold shower. My blood has boiled all day, and the sooner I’m away from her, the better.
A second stronger gust of wind draws us quickly inside.
Wicksy and Kath are finishing up. We’re all leaving soon, which means no more time with Ruby until tomorrow when we’re decorating the school in preparation for the cooking and wreath making classes. That has to be a good thing, as she hasn’t contacted me, her brother doesn’t want us near each other, and she doesn’t want my help with baking ever again.
“Anyone fancy going for a drink?” Why did I say that?
“I will,” Wicksy replies quickly.
I fold my arms across my chest and look at Ruby.
“We all need to get home. It’s going to snow,” Kath states. “My headache is worse. It’s a sign.”
“And you have somewhere to be, remember? Isn’t that what you said this morning?” Ruby snaps.
I curse my earlier petulance. “Oh yeah.”
“Date, is it?” Wicksy leans against the countertop. “I need to learn your moves. All the women in the course love you. Another one left me a number for you.”
Ruby slams her handbag down.
“Enough of this chat. We need to go before it snows.” Kath practically shoves us out the door. I grab my stuff as we’re turfed into the car park.
“I’ll lock up,” Ruby shouts.
“Thank you,” Kath replies as she strides away. “I’ll see you all on Monday to decorate the school. I’ll be in early.”
“Aren’t we doing it tomorrow?” I fumble with my words. I want to see Ruby tomorrow.
“It’s going to snow heavily. You need to listen to me. We won’t be going anywhere tomorrow morning.” She’s in her car and reversing before we can argue. “Now get home while it’s safe.”
Wicksy leaves just as quickly. He’s more scared of Kath than he lets on. We all are.
I turn to speak to Ruby, but she’s already waving me off. “Best get to your date before you’re snowed in and away from her. They don’t grit these roads, and I’d hate for you to be late.”
I get into the van, huffing. I need to tell her that I’m not going on a date, but she isn’t bothered, and if she were, it wouldn’t matter. She’s not available, and soon, she could be working with Clive.
I recheck the weather forecast because Kath has panicked me, but it says light rain. Ruby sits in her car, looking away from me.
As I depart the car park, something niggles me. I run through all the things I saw before I left, but I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong. The sky has a weird grey glow, but it’s not going to snow.
That’s when a couple of flakes fall. But as soon as they’ve fallen, it stops again—Kath’s panic was for that?
I’m halfway home when I facepalm. Before Ruby leaves for the day, she always pulls her hair out of the elastic that’s held it up and leaves it fully down. She also didn’t lock the door or change out of her apron. Kath shoved us out the door, but Ruby said she’d stay to lock up.
She’s still intending to bake!
I roll my tongue around my mouth. I should leave her be. She’s already told me she doesn’t need my help. Besides, I can’t be around her and embarrass myself with how horny she makes me, especially after a day of teasing, but if it snows more, she won’t get out.
I want to chat with her and laugh with her. I need some joy today but can’t see Cookie because I’ve bothered her parents enough this week.