Page 29 of Go Cook Yourself

“I’ve never been more attracted to myself,” I reply, causing her to roll her eyes. “If you’d dressed as a maid, you would havelooked hot, but now you’re dressed as the sexiest person that ever lived.”

She shoves me as Kath returns. Kath stares at Ruby, throws her head back, and laughs, causing her witchy nose to fly across the room. This starts Ruby off, and soon, the two of them are gasping for breath as they scrabble on the floor, looking for Kath’s nose. I’m falling in love with this cookery school. I need to remember it’s a stopgap, but as a very sexy version of me bends over with her curvy ass in the air, I’m not sure how easy it will be to leave when the time comes.


“Ruby was the best dressed,” Wicksy comments after helping the rest of the clients out of the building with all their cooked goodies. They stayed an extra hour because we were having too much fun.

“We all know what you think,” I grumble as I tidy up the candy we used for Halloween cocktails. I yank one of the eyeball-shaped sweets stuck like glue to the countertop, nearly falling back. Sweat collects under my arms, and I curse my costume for the umpteenth time.

I reach for the air con, but Kath shouts, “Don’t you dare. The rest of us have shivered most of the night because of you. Take off a layer.”


“Take off a layer,” Ruby calls out. “You’re amongst friends, Mr. Angry Panda.”

I grumble loudly. I’ve been like a human radiator all night, but with only boxers under my costume, I don’t want to undo it. “I’ll get my change of clothes out of the van.”

“I wouldn’t,” Ruby warns, “unless you’re after a hookup.”

I lock on her stare, and my forehead hurts from how hard my eyebrows furrow. “What do you mean?” My pulse races with hope.

“A woman out there wants to get in your panda pants.” I offer my fakest grin. Shit. Of course Ruby isn’t offering to spend sexy time with me. “Do you remember the woman dressed as a sexy nurse?”

I shake my head. She sounds like my perfect woman.

“Seriously? The beautiful blonde who was confused about the cheesecake base a lot.”

“It’s not ringing any bells.”

Wicksy and Kath are silent, their heads moving back and forth like they’re at a tennis match.

“She was slim, beautiful, legs up to here.” Ruby points above her head. She’s too bloody cute. “She laughed at your jokes all night.” I cock my head to the side. “There were sixteen people here tonight. How can you not remember her? She was gorgeous.”

Because I only had eyes for you.I grit my teeth, thankful that I didn’t say that aloud. How am I this into Ruby already? Misplaced loneliness. That’s all.

“She was the one who said my cocktail class was a silly idea.”

“Oh, her. I didn’t like her. She was mean about your strawberry cocktail idea.” It was a great idea. All of Ruby’s ideas are excellent. She made this evening what it was.

Ruby palms her face, but she’s badly hiding a smile behind her hand. “Whatever. Anyway, she gave me your number as I walked her to the car park, and she hung around, hoping to see you.”

I shrug. “I’m not going out there now.”

Her smile broadens at my answer, although it quickly disappears. But I saw it. “You’d best take off a layer, then.”

“But losing a layer means standing here in my boxers.”

“Stop being such a prince. You’re bright red, and I’m not giving you mouth-to-mouth if you faint.” But the smirk she gives me suggests otherwise.Rein it in, Garett.“How about we all look away? Or you can go outside and hook up with the nurse.”

“Fine.” Ruby’s face falls, and Wicksy and Kath stare at me until I add, “Look away, then. I’d rather be semi-naked in front of you three than hook up with the mean nurse.”

Kath and Wicksy busy themselves, and Ruby turns around, but I swear she’s looking at me in the oven’s reflection as I undress.Get over yourself. She thinks you’re funny and nothing more. No woman who dresses up as you for Halloween fancies you. She thinks your grumpiness makes you the scariest thing in England.

I unzip my onesie and then yank the whole thing off. I look again at the oven door, and Ruby’s eyes widen before she suddenly looks down and back up. My boxers are tight enough to show what’s typically hidden beneath my jeans. It’s like the temperature drops suddenly by ten degrees, and I throw my head back and let my tension out with a loud sigh.

“Oh my,” Kath says, staring at me as she tidies up.

Wicksy grumbles and throws an apron at me.