Page 10 of Go Cook Yourself

“You compete to be Cloud Cookery School champions,” I cut in before he can argue.

Chapter Six


I squeeze the white fondant between my hands as I chat with Marjorie. It’s nearly as sugary sweet as Ruby has been since she walked back into my kitchen. I grit my teeth.

“This has been a lot of fun, Garett. I’m glad you let us do it. I’m pretty sure I’m going to win, you know,” Majorie says. She nods in the direction of Betty. “Although I think Betty might clinch it. She’s very competitive.”

Betty rolls out fondant as Ruby talks animatedly, pointing at the cake. Betty says something, and Ruby’s melodic laugh carries across the counters, where Marjorie grumbles next to me.

“Maybe we should try something extra to help you win,” I reply. And if it means getting one up on Ruby, that would be even better. My grumpiness struggles against her eternal sunshiny ways. Even when I ignored her over lunch, she gave me extra helpings of pasta and beamed at me. “We’re going to smash this contest.”

I squeeze the fondant ball, rubbing bits between my fingers as I stare at Ruby. She’s been like a ball of joy since the argument where I told her I’d leave if she didn’t. I can’t believe I said that.

Ruby takes the elastic out of her hair. I hold my breath as she shakes her blond hair free before retying it. She’s like a mirage in this kitchen. A smudge of icing sugar highlights one of her cheekbones, and I imagine brushing my thumb against it. MaybeI can make her face flush as I do. What is it about having a rival that gets me like this?

She starts walking closer, and I turn to Marjorie, shaking my head and dropping the ball of fondant, worried about what shapes I might create after staring at her. No one needs to see their rival making his idea of their boobs in icing.

“If you give me that white fondant, I can make a panda,” Marjorie comments.

“I like pandas,” I say absentmindedly as I side-eye Ruby’s progress around the room. She’s funny, clever, and has an ass that sways as she walks. I grit my teeth. “Especially GIFs of the angry panda chef. It reminds me of me.”

You’re a grumpy chef and you cannot be seduced by Ruby’s loveliness. It’s going to be three long months at this rate.

“Maybe I should make the actress you mentioned out of fondant. What was her name again?” Majorie presses.

“Nice try.” I laugh as I bend slightly at the counter, my forearms flat against it. I’m exhausted from a day of charming these ladies while ignoring the other one who keeps demanding my attention.

“Do I hear grumpy chef Garett laughing? Surely, my ears deceive me,” Ruby chimes as she stands beside me. She nudges me with her elbow to give herself space.

I grumble nonsensical words as she jostles me.

“Garett, you’re going to have to get used to me, because I’m not going anywhere.” Strands of her hair have fallen out of her bun already, and I’m tempted to tuck them behind her ear. “I’ll make you like me soon.”

I think she might be right. No one has been this nice to me for this long. Usually, I wear them down quickly.

“I shall leave you ladies to it.” I rush back to my demonstration counter.

Ruby’s smile falters briefly, and I curse myself. Like I said, I’m an arsehole. I’d be hard-pressed to find someone who would disagree with that label. Every person who’s worked in one of my kitchens thinks so. No wonder Clive got me banned from working locally. The sooner Ruby realises she can’t charm me, the better.

I lean against the counter, my arms folded as I survey the group, but my gaze returns to Ruby. She laughs with Marjorie as she offers her improvements for her cake decorating. Occasionally, she looks at me, and I hear the words angry panda.

I look away quickly and catch Wicksy’s eye. Apparently, that’s all he needs to bolt over.

“She’s hot, isn’t she?” he says louder than he realises. Ruby’s eyes flick our way. “I reckon she likes me, too. She dropped that knife because she was staring at me.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

“I might ask her out later,” he adds.

My passive-aggressive responses usually work on him, but Ruby has charmed everyone in the room within hours. Betty joins Marjorie and Ruby, and I swear someone says dick. Ruby side-eyes me again, only this time, her eyelashes flutter. Her eyes are big and brown and like liquid chocolate. I clear my dry throat noisily.

“What do you think?” Shit. I have no idea how long Wicksy has been talking. Goodness knows how many of his stupid ideas about Ruby he thinks I’ve agreed to because I’ve not said anything.

I glare at him and push my sleeves down. “I think you should get back to work. Tidy stuff up so we can leave on time. Yes?”

“Yes, Chef,” he replies. Ruby looks over, her eyebrows furrowed, and walks to another bench.