“Has there been another bomb threat?”
“Have you decided what you’re gonna do ’bout the title?”
That question smarted more than the others, but Liss confronted the press with Strike and Bear flanking her. With their height differences, they were a funny trio, but she loved having them close.
Her body shook with adrenaline as she announced to hungry photographers, “Marianne and Alex won’t let me in the palace because I know what they’ve been doing to the King. We have proof that they’ve been poisoning him.”
The gasps of the crowd momentarily stunned her. Bear squeezed her hand and nodded his support while Strike whispered his words of encouragement. The press’s shock was short-lived, and the questions were suddenly thick and fast.
Gable and Beatrice’s security pushed through a gap in the crowd while television presenters recorded live pieces to cameras. Strike handed the results of the tests to Gable as Beatrice rushed towards Liss and enveloped her in a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”
Liss instantly returned the sentiment as Gable announced to the baying crowd, “Thank you for joining us at such an early hour. We didn’t want to go on record with this before speaking to the King, but he is a prisoner in the palace. The prince and his fiancée won’t allow him to see us. Marianne and Alex removed his professional medical care.” The attentive group gave angry shouts. “Due to their suspicious behaviour with the King’s medication, we tested it this week, and the results are damning.” He waved the paper with the results on them in the air.
The crowd froze. At the clattering footsteps behind Liss, she turned. Marianne ran to the gate. Alex was behind her, his eyes steely and his hands in fists.
“She’s lying. Felicity is a lowlife. We regret allowing scum into our family,” Marianne shouted.
There were more gasps, and Bear tensed beside her, but Beatrice cried out, “And yet you threw me out of the King’s bedroom the other evening, Marianne, when I spoke to the King’s medics. When did you become the one who makes the decisions in the family?”
Alex interrupted with a roar, but the crowd was silent again. A hunched-over figure appeared from the palace steps and wandered towards the gates. It was the King. Marianne attempted to help him, but he waved her away. Liss ran to the gate as the King demanded the guards open it.
The King embraced Liss, and then Beatrice, as soon as the gates were open. When he reached Gable, they conversed quietly, and Gable handed him the test results. They studied them together as Liss turned to Bear and Strike, who shrugged. She bit her tongue as everyone watched. Gable’s bodyguards cornered Marianne and Alex.
After the brief conversation, Archibald cleared his throat. He announced to the press, his voice gravelly from the toll of his illness, “What a morning. I bet some of you aren’t used to rushing to a story at such an early hour. Especially you, George,” he joked pointing at the national television company’s royal correspondent, who laughed. Archibald’s charisma was undeniable, even when everything significant to him crumbled.I’ll never have that skill.“As you’re aware, we deal with family matters privately. However, confidentiality hasn’t been our friend in recent times. I was private for too long about the woman I once loved, and if I’d been honest, I might have had the opportunity to meet my daughter before she died. Now, my sonand his future wife have used privacy against me, ensuring I hid the news of the medication they insisted my medics prescribed.”
The crows that hung around the palace were louder than the stunned crowd.
“I will need to speak to my family, as I have also learnt that the recent bomb threats and the unexploded bomb left in Liss’s pub were Marianne’s doing.”
Alex drew a loud breath as he stared at Marianne.
“As you can imagine, it’s a lot to comprehend.” Archibald stilled temporarily, and Liss’s heart ached at the hollow circles beneath his eyes and his weary form. “However, I ask for your respect as we decide our next steps. The police will be involved, and there will be criminal proceedings against all perpetrators. In the meantime, I shall undergo urgent medical treatment. As always, we have a duty to this country and its people. We will have our announcement with Felicity tomorrow. Thank you for your time.”
The palace guards shooed the press and bystanders away as bodyguards held Marianne and Alex in place. The King walked Gable, Beatrice, Liss, Strike, and Bear towards the palace. Archibald took Liss’s hands in his. His skin was cold and his hands frail. Tears brimmed her eyes at what his family had done. “I’m so sorry,” Liss murmured as she shook against him.
“Darling Felicity, you have nothing to be sorry for. I am sorry for everything my family has forced you to endure. I welcomed you into my world, and they hurt you. Please forgive me.”
“Of course, you did nothing wrong.” She embraced him in a gentle hug. He was thinner than when they’d first met, but his eyes still sparkled. There was hope.
“Thank you. I wanted to speak to you this morning about the future and learn your decision, but I expect you will require more time to decide. As a result of today, you will be next in line to the throne. If and when something happens to me, you will beQueen. That is a lot to comprehend.” His posture was stiff, but he made firm eye contact.
Liss’s mouth was sandpaper dry.
“However, I must deal with my son and Marianne and see what can be done regarding my health. The police will arrive shortly; the less you have to do with them as you reflect, the better. I shall see you tomorrow, but in the meantime, consider your future wisely. You have proved yourself beyond understanding, and I would love you to be a princess, and then Queen, but it has to be your decision.”
He kissed her on the cheek and hugged her. This man had accepted her in a way her nana never had. She wanted to explore this connection and love, but it came at a cost.
He turned to Bear and Strike. “Gentlemen, thank you for keeping her safe. You have done a commendable job, and I will ensure you get my family’s highest recommendation. Please keep her safe until tomorrow.”
“Certainly, sir.” Strike pulled his chest high. “I’ll stay a little longer to give you the test results and discuss our witness. Bear will take Liss to a safe place.”
The King nodded. Liss offered Gable and Beatrice a quick hug before returning to the car. As the adrenaline faded, exhaustion filled every part of her body. Bear strapped her into her seat, and the gentle motion of the vehicle ensured her eyes fluttered closed in minutes.
Chapter Forty-Four
Liss opened her eyes slowly, rubbing sleep from the corners.
The room was bathed in darkness except for the light radiating from a chrome lamp on the cupboard beside her. One wall held a large painting of a lake. She’d seen that image before.