Page 92 of Ice Mechanic

“You want some skates?” Chance teases when he sees me wobbling.

“Absolutely not. I’m deathly allergic to falling on ice and balancing on razor-thin blades,” I mutter back.

Chance chuckles and keeps a steady grip on me until we get to non-slippery ground. The moment Chance steps onto the platform, he’s surrounded by his teammates, the coach, and reporters. It’s his moment to shine, so I slip away to find Rebel.

Thankfully, she sent a text letting me know she’s in the parking lot.

As I hurry past the chairs where we were sitting, I look for Gordie, but I don’t see her anywhere.

Outside, everyone stops and stares at me, but I don’t slow down. Hoofing it to the parking lot, I locate my best friend’s car and dive in.

“Well, hello, hello,” Rebel says darkly. I’m hit with a pair of judgmental blue eyes.

I raise my hands in surrender. “It’s not what you think.”

Rebel humphs.

“Everyone was watching. It was the perfect time to make a big splash. Really end the night with a bang.”

“It ended with a bang, alright.”

My heart thuds because she has no idea. Kissing Chance McLanely felt like I strapped my heart to two boxes of fire crackers, set a match and then forgot to run away.

Words escape my mouth, faster and faster. “Iknowthere’s going to be a buzz online about this. There were so many out-of-towners here too. You’ll see. We’re going to be booked tomorrow.”

Rebel purses her lips.

“I have everything under control,” I shriek in a voice that sounds like someone slowly losing her mind.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“You’re literally looking at me like I left your car doors open in a thunderstorm.”

“Am I?”

“I didn’t kiss him because I wanted to,” I insist. “It was a business decision.”

“April, I want to believe you.”

“But?” I sigh.

“I totally believe in your plan and I love that you’re finally pampering yourself. You one hundred percent deserve to spend money on you and feel desirable and beautiful, but it’s just… Chance is… well, he’s like a really bad cold and you don’t have immunity.”

“I took my flu shot,” I argue.

“I don’t want you to get hurt,” Rebel says, giving my hand a squeeze.

Uncertainty steals the strength from my words, but I force my chin up. “He’s a good actor, but so am I. I can handle this, so stop looking at me like I’m a car wreck on the freeway.”

My phone buzzes.

I glance down and see a text from Chance.

The reporters won’t let me out of here, his text says.Can I pick you up from home?

Rebel blows out a breath. “Was that him?”

“Yeah.” My smile trembles a little.