Page 82 of Ice Mechanic

“I don’t know for sure, but whatever it is… I’ll beg her to forgive me.”

Max snorts. “Then prepare to have your butt handed to you. Without the mascot head to hide behind this time.”

“I can’t fix it unless she tells me what I did wrong!”

“When in the history of womanhood has a lady ever come out and communicated what she’s feeling?”

“The least I can do is let her know Iwantto fix it. We should work out our issues like a real…I mean, a healthy, fake couple.” Eyebrows tightening, I growl, “I’m gonna call her.”

Max yanks my phone away.

I lunge for it.

He fakes a toss. “You want me to throw it out the window?”

Slowly, I lower my arm.

“Think clearly, Chance. When a woman is mad, thelastthing you need to do is keep calling her.”

“I’ll show up at her place then.”

Max plants a hand on my shoulder and forcibly pushes me back into the bench. “Have you never been in the doghouse before?”



“Women tend to just,” I flash my warmest smile, “love me.”

“Okay, Romeo. Out here in the real world, you don’t harass your girlfriend into talking to you. Give her some space.”

“And if that doesn’t work?”

Max rubs his chin in thought. “Show up with roses, not tacos. Or at least do a taco bouquet. Show some effort.”

I sigh, accepting defeat.

He slides the phone over to me. From the shift in his demeanor, I can tell he’s about to broach a serious topic.

“You think the team’s ready for tonight?”

“As ready as we’ll ever be.” I’m still thinking about April, so I don’t sugar coat the truth. “I made some progress with Gunner, but we still haven’t found a rhythm on the ice. It’s inevitable that we’ll get in each other’s way. Plus, the team is still divided between the two of us. We don’t have one, clear leader, and it’s confusing for everyone.”

Max flinches. “I was hoping you two would have worked things out at the bar yesterday.”

“How do you know we were at the bar yesterday?”

“This is a small town. Everyone saw you, but even if they didn’t, you think I wouldn’t know you invited a dance team to tour our stadium? Seriously?”

He has a point.

“I allowed it because I wanted you to get revenge out of your system.”

“Bobby said the same thing.” My eyes widen. “Did you tell him to cooperate with me?”

“Like I said, it’smyteam, Chance.”
