Bobby shrugs. “You each got one chance to torture each other. Now, you’re even and we can finally focus on the season.”
Gunner sits on a bench to tie his shoes, his glare a little less severe. “We knew you were going to get us back someday. We were waiting all week. As far as revenge goes, this isn’t bad.”
“Thank you.”
“But it could have been worse,” he allows. “So why didn’t you make it worse?”
“Because as much as I believe in giving as good as I get, there’s something more important than that.”
“Which is?” Renthrow grunts.
“Protecting my team at all costs.”
Watson gasps.
Theilan glances away.
Renthrow studies me as if he doesn’t know what to do with me.
Gunner shakes his head disbelievingly. “We know why you’re here. We know you’re not sticking around. Don’t bother acting like we’re a team.”
“That’s exactly why I don’t want to waste time fighting with you. You don’t have to like me. We don’t have to be friends, but what we are—whether we like it or not—is teammates.”
I stride right up to Gunner.
He leans back, eyeing me warily.
“Honest truth? Off the ice, you suck.”
He bares his lips in a snarl.
“But,” I offer my hand, “on the ice, you’re my family.”
Gunner smacks my hand away.
I offer my hand again, determined.
Gunner studies the hand, rises to his feet and stares me right in the eyes. “Dream on, McLanely. You suck onandoffthe ice.”
I laugh, seeing the olive branch for what it is.
Renthrow slaps me on the back. “Where’d you find these speedos, man? They’re awful.”
“I ordered them online. They were pretty customizable. I almost got one with each of your names on ‘em.”
“You couldn’t get them a size bigger?” Theilan squirms, his mouth twisted in discomfort.
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
Watson points at Theilan and guffaws. “You really do look awful. I wonder how many of those girls would have texted back if they saw you like this?”
“Are you kidding? I could bag twice as many girls in this speedo.”
Renthrow waves a hand at the door. “You’ve still got a chance.”
“I said Icould.I didn’t say Iwanted to.” Theilan grins and runs into the shower with his bundle of clothes.
Watson, Renthrow and Gunner follow him.