Eyes locked on me, Rebel trots closer.
“What?” I run a hand down the dress. “Is it that bad?”
“Shut up and turn around.” Rebel grips me by the shoulders and forcibly turns me to the mirror.
I stare at the woman in red and my jaw nearly disconnects from my body.
Rebel holdsthe front door of the store open for me as I walk out with two shopping bags—one holding the dress and the other bearing the shoes, earrings, and bracelets that May insisted was ‘in the marketing budget’.
I have a feeling my sister is putting her own personal funds into this. Since I’m the one whogaveher the marketing budget, I know exactly what we have available.
And this is way over that price.
“I can’t wait until Chance sees you,” Rebel says, strutting down the sidewalk like it’s her own personal runway.
May laughs gleefully. “He’s going to die, come back to life and then die again.”
“I’m not doing this for Chance,” I point out.
“I know. He’s just collateral damage.” May winks.
They burst out laughing uproariously. I chuckle on a less shoulder-shaking and knee-slapping scale.
Despite being one hundred percent invested in this makeover for the sake of my business, I feel a tinge of excitement at the thought of Chance seeing me all dolled up. I may not be a socialite, an heiress or a supermodel, but I do clean up nicely.
I’m smiling to myself, when a shadow falls on my path. I look up to witness the automotive kingpin of our small town glowering down at me.
Stewart Kinsey is a bear of a man in his early fifties. But don’t be fooled by his thick limbs and giant hands. He’s limber enough to squeeze his beer belly underneath a car and change the oxygen sensor in a jiffy.
Stewart’s cold eyes trail the shopping bags and then move to my straight hair and the cherry gloss Rebel foisted on me because ‘cracked lips aren’t cute’.
“Brooks! Fancy seeing you here.”
“Mr. Kinsey.” I nod stiffly.
His eyes jump to Rebel who scowls in response. “How’veyoubeen, pretty lady?”
Rebel’s stare is so frosty it feels like a sudden winter blizzard has descended. “Mr. Kinsey.”
“Call me ‘uncle’, darling.” He sidles toward her. “Why, I remember when you were knee high.” Kinsey grins like a shark. “And your mama brought you with her while she was cleaning the garage. Every year, you look more and more like her.”
Rebel jerks forward.
I step in front of her before she can lunge “It looks like you were on your way to something, Mr. Kinsey. We won’t keep you.”
May and I grip one of Rebel’s arms and steer her away from Kinsey.
“Oh, Brooks!” Kinsey calls.
I stop, but I don’t turn around.
“I think you’re doing a good thing, changing your hair and dressing up for that hockey player. Doing your best to be a rich man’s wife is a much easier job than being a mechanic. That’s for sure.” He chuckles like he’s dispensing the wisest advice. “Well, it’s not like your garage was doing that well anyway. Let me know when you start selling your machinery. No need to make a big fuss. I’ll take all those diagnostic tools off your hands.”
Rebel whips around, her eyes ablaze.
“Come on.” I tug on her hand.