Page 49 of Ice Mechanic



Gunnerand his crew are noticeably absent when I drag myself to the locker room. Despite their absence, or maybe because of it, the room is buzzing with excitement.

I step inside.

As one, the team turns their flush-faced, wild-haired, expectant eyes on me.

“There he is!” someone yells.

Whoops break out.

My teammates surround me.

“Nice job out there.” I smile. “Palenski, I saw you with those assists.”

He grins so broadly his chipmunk cheeks almost punch me in the face.

“Chance, youhaveto come with us. We’re heading to the Tipsy Tuna for a round of beers.”

“I got plans, but…” I open my locker and slip out my wallet, handing over a credit card, “you guys enjoy yourselves.”

Their eyes widen.

Another roar of celebration erupts.

I notice that they’re all clothed and changed out of their gear.

Shooing them out, I say, “See you on Monday.”

The guys leave, talking excitedly. Some of the players on Gunner’s team sheepishly wave at me. I wave back, showing I hold no malice.

Gunner, Renthrow, Watson, and Theilan are the ones who have it out for me. It’s not fair to the others for them to tiptoe around us or feel like they have to choose sides.

Stowing away my hockey stick, I sit down to remove my gear. Once my hands are free, I grab my phone and check if April texted. I forgot to ask her to message me when she got to the garage safely.

Since there are no notifications from her, I reach out first.

ME: Hey. Did you get back okay?

ME: I was thinking of you during the press conference.

After a pause, I add a wink emoji.

APRIL: I did. By the way, this is the garage’s number.

ME: Okay…

APRIL: Rebel thought a customer was flirting with her.

ME: The flirting was intended for you.

APRIL: Then you swung and missed, hockey boy.

I laugh and tap in her personal phone number to use instead.

ME: How are things with the Bel Air?