I meet his eyes through the windshield and shake my head despondently.
He rejoins me and digs his teeth into his bottom lip, staring at my trapped sleeve like it’s a car with a complex heating system and a busted radiator.
“Just go,” I say with a slight tremble in my voice. “The tacos will get soggy and you said you have a meeting with Max.”
“Both of those things can wait. I can’t just leave you here.” He scrubs his chin. “What if I get something flat to wedge the hood open?”
“It might damage the vehicle.”
A crease appears between his eyebrows.
“I’ll wait until Rebel gets back,” I tell him. “We’ll call the owner and get him to open the hood. I’d rather he do it himself than I do it and wreck his paint job.”
Chance frowns. “You can’t just stand here until the owner or Rebel comes.”
“It’s okay… I’ll…”
The words get choked in my throat when the giant hockey player suddenly rips his hoodie off.
I shriek and turn away, but not before getting a peek at six glorious rows of abs that glisten and ripple down his torso.
“What are you doing?” I yell.
“Put this on,” Chance says. With steady hands, he pulls the hoodie over my head.
His scent is just as sexy as his abs. It’s a woodsy, clean cologne that I instinctively want to burrow into.
Feeling myself getting hypnotized, I sputter, “Chance, put your hoodie back on.”
“I have a plan. Bear with me,” he says.
I glare in his general direction, but since the hoodie is covering my eyes, I doubt it’s effective.
“Put your hands through here.” He guides me gently with his voice and his hands. “Yeah, like that. Good girl.”
My glare turns laser-harsh.
Chance pulls the hoodie down fully and I’m finally free to glower in peace.
He chuckles when he sees my scowl and tugs the hoodie down so it’s covering me to mid-thigh. “Huh. You’re smaller than I thought.”
“You’re bigger than I thought. What size are you?” I wonder, lifting my hands and noticing how the sleeves swallow them completely.
Chance smiles secretly and says instead, “Take off your jumper.”
My heart slams against my ribs and I whip my head up to look at him. “I beg yourpardon?”
A wicked ghost of a grin on his lips, Chance looks down at me. “April, take your clothes off.”
I’m notsurprised when an oversized hoodie sleeve is aimed at my face. But since the woman attached to that hoodie is trapped against a car, all I have to do is step back to avoid the smack.
April hops like a little bunny, eager to land her palm on my cheek. Unfortunately, she’s too small and too stuck.