I pocket my fidget spinner, calmly open the door, and step into the black night.
Every televisionin town is turned to the sports channel. Lucky Falls is buzzing about Chance’s press conference.
No official announcements have been made, but it’s obvious to everyone—both inside and outside of the hockey world—what Chance is going to say when he gets behind that mike.
Since I’ve known this ‘secret’ for a while, all the excited chatter in The Tipsy Tuna just makes me feel sick.
“Honey, you don’t look so well,” Mauve comments, looking me over.
I force an unconvincing smile. “I’m probably still weak from the poisoning.”
“Did you drink the soup I dropped off for you?”
“I did. It was delicious, thank you.”
She sets a warm cup of tea in front of me. “Is something else going on?”
I duck my head sheepishly. “Nope. Everything is great. Really great.”
“Mm-hm.” She purses her lips and studies me.
Bobby’s wife has always treated us like a second grandmother. I can’t hide anything from her.
“Are you nervous for Chance?” She points to the television. “Today’s a big day for him. A big day for both of ya’ll.”
“I guess so,” I respond in a lackluster fashion.
“The moment he makes that announcement, his career goes turbo. It’s gonna be a wild ride. You better strap in.”
My smile wobbles and then putters out.
Mauve picks up on it right away and her brows knit together. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
I inhale shakily as my eyes dart from side to side. “I, uh, have a headache.”
The lie burns my tongue. I revealed a few things to May, but I never told her that I had an actual ‘we might need to break up’ talk with Chance. I haven’t told Rebel either. It’s a secret I’ve kept close to my chest.
“Mm.” Mauve makes another one of her noncommittal sounds. “You got some time, April?”
“I’ve got…” I glance at the running banner on the television screen, counting down to Chance’s big press conference. “About an hour.”
I plan to be far away from all televisions, radios and cell phones streaming his announcement. If I see Chance in front of me, I might start crying. Ridiculous. I turned into a cry-baby after meeting him and that’s a habit I want to shake.
“Let me tell you a little story about when me and Bobby were dating.”
I bring the tea to my lips, listening closely.
“My friends were the ones who told me that the boy down the street was sweet on me. Now, mind you, I wasn’t paying no mind to him and had my sights set on Phineas Booker, a boy from church and my first love.”
Mauve laughs and shakes her head, as if reliving a memory. “Bobby started coming to my church and hanging around me and my friends. I thought he was nice enough, but he wasn’t Phineas, you know? I had my mind set on being Phineas’s wife. I did everything I could. Practically threw myself at the man.” She rolls her eyes. “Finally, Phineas asked me to be his girl.”
A customer walks up to the bar and Mauve moves away from me to tend to him. I nurse my tea, while trying not to look at the television countdown.