Page 170 of Ice Mechanic

“But that doesn’t make any sense. We have an exhaust fan at the shop for this very reason.”

He nods to Rebel. “Your friend confirmed that a bird had gotten caught in the pipe and blocked the fan. Carbon monoxide doesn’t have a smell or taste or anything to warn that dangerous gas is leaking. You’d been exposed to a dangerous amount before your friend arrived. On top of that, you had a small gash from where you’d fallen against the edge of your tool box.”

I reach under my head. Indeed, there’s a big gauze there.

”I can’t believe I was out for an hour. That’s…” I blow out a breath and shake my head. “What happens now?”

“The poison is no longer in your system and your wound—thankfully—is not so severe. Everything in your scans came back alright. Even so, we’d like to keep you for observation, just in case.”

“Keep her two days if you have to,” May says earnestly. “I want to besureshe’s alright.”

“The nurse will be in to check your vitals, but the fact that you’re up and talking is a really good sign.” The doctor nods.

“When can I leave?” I ask, lifting the hand with the IV drip.

“If you rest tonight and there aren’t any anomalies in the scans you take tomorrow, I foresee you being able to recover quickly.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” Evan says as if he’s my doting boyfriend and we never broke up.

Rebel follows the doctor out. “I have a few questions about any symptoms we should look out for…”

May walks closer and offers me my phone. “I called Chance, but he wasn’t picking up, so I left him a message.”

“He’s probably busy.”

Evan pats his chest. “If you were my girl, I’d fly right over if I heard you were in the hospital. What good is a man who isn’t there when you need him?”

He has a point.

I ignore that thought because thelastperson I want to take relationship advice from is my cheating ex.

“You heard the doctor, Evan. I need to rest.”

“Sure, sure. I’ll be here tomorrow to check on you.”

“Don’t bother,” May tells him tautly.

After Evan leaves, May fluffs my pillows again and cranes her neck to look at my phone. “Has Chance answered yet?”


“That’s so weird.” A wrinkle appears between her brow. “I sent a text from my phone and yours. It said he read it. You don’t think Evan’s right and he’s ignoring you, do you?”

“No, Chance and I are fine.”

“Yeah, but why isn’t he answering you back? I’m not asking for him to fly over because of this, but not even a text back whenhis girlfriend is in the hospital?” She firms her lips. “I’ll send him another text.”

“Don’t bother. He’ll call tomorrow. Bright and early. I’m sure of it.”

But when tomorrow comes, the person who hurries to my bed side is Evan.

And I don’t even get a text back from Chance.