Unfortunately, she isn’t.
When I turn my attention back to Gunner, I’m stunned to find him looking at Rebel, a rare ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. A moment later, his hand pulls into a fist and he forces his gaze away. Something dark seems to overshadow him and his smile putters into a taut frown.
“What were you saying about my uncle?” Gunner asks tightly.
“It’s fine. We can discuss it another time.” Curiosity tugs at me. “Do you know Rebel?”
“It’s a small town. Everybody knows everybody.”
Rebel laughs with Bobby’s wife at the bar and reaches for a package of something. Probably drinks for her and April.
I raise my hand, intending to get Rebel’s attention so I can pay for those drinks. If April is enjoying a refreshing lime soda in between fixing cars, I want her thinking of me.
As my hand starts to climb, Gunner clamps his fingers around my wrist and stops me. Rebel sails out the door, undisturbed.
I frown. “What’s wrong? I thought you knew her.”
“We’re acquainted, but we’re not… friendly.”
“Why not?”
“Even in a small town,” his eyes flash to mine, darkening by the second, “people have their secrets.”
Before I can ask more, Gunner stands abruptly.
The others turn to look at him too.
“Where you going?” Theilan grins.
Renthrow points at the waitress approaching us with heaping platters of burgers and fries. “The food is here.”
“I’ll catch you later,” Gunner grumbles, his eyes on the ground.
Shocked, I scoot my chair in so he can make his exit.
Gunner passes by but suddenly stops and lifts his gaze to mine. I stiffen. The guy’s always been a closed book, but now I get the feeling something bad will happen if that book is ever opened.
“About my uncle,” Gunner says in a low determined voice. “Do what you must.”
With that, he stalks out of The Tipsy Tuna and lets the door bang shut behind him.
‘The mistressyou must fear is not a woman, it’s hockey.’
Corinth’s warning follows me like a dark cloud and puts me in a strange mood for a few days. However, on the third day, I find my equilibrium again.
After being cheated on by my ex—who was with an actual woman behind my back—I decide that hockey isn’t that horrific of a mistress.
Sure, Chance will be away from me for weeks at a time during hockey season.
Sure, there will be plenty of women like Fina who want his attention when he’s on the road.
Sure, lots of those women will be gorgeous and tempting.