My own mouth parts on a sigh as I let my touch linger there.
Chance’s eyes flash open. They’re stormy, pupils dilated until the blue bleeds into black. He stares me down ferociously with equal parts craving and hunger.
My heart thumps in my chest.
Heat zings down my spine.
That heat roars to inferno levels when he lifts a hand and grips my chin between his calloused thumb and forefinger. I expect him to drag me closer and ground his lips against mine, but instead, Chance turns my face away with a deep, reluctant groan.
“I’m not going to kiss you, April. Not like this.”
“Why not?” I ask, surprised by the disappointment spinning through me.
His voice escapes on a tortured moan. “Because… I don’t think I can stop at a kiss right now.”
I can’t breathe.
I also can’t see him because he’s turned my face aside. My only view is of the lamp sconce on the bathroom wall. Fighting to turn my head back toward him results in Chance stepping fully away.
“You keep giving me those eyes and I won’t be able to control myself.” He shakes his head and takes another giant step back. “I’ll call the concierge desk and ask someone to send up a T-shirt.”
Just then, there’s a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” Chance says, hurrying into the other room.
I follow, unwilling to let him out of my sight. The view of Chance from behind is just as appealing as the view of him from the front. Ropes of muscle and sinew contract and release as he reaches to open the door.
“Mom?” His voice rings in surprise.
Corinth steps into the room, immediately shifting the energy with her poised stature and sharp eyes. She stares pointedly at Chance’s undressed state before her gaze swings to me in clear accusation.
I blush, despite the fact that Chance didn’t even kiss me. We were both thinking about it though and it seems that Corinth can sense that.
“While you two wereentertainingyourselves, several people have been asking about you downstairs.” The word drips with torrid meaning.
Chance doesn’t correct her and I’m not sure she’d listen even if I defended myself.
She hands over a pressed white shirt on a hanger. “I asked my assistant to bring you a shirt. It occurred to me that your father’s may not fit.”
“Thanks.” Chance accepts the shirt and looks back at me. “I’ll change into this quickly. It won’t take me long.”
I nod at him.
“I’ll head back down,” Corinth announces, turning away as if she can’t stand the sight of me.
“Wait.” I stop her when she steps through the door.
Corinth swings her head around, her shrewd gaze making me want to put myself in time-out. I square my shoulders instead and dig deep for courage.
I may not have her money, power, and connections, but I am not inferior to her… even if it feels like it.
“Corinth, I’m not sure what I did to offend you, but I’d like to clear something up. I lo—” My eyelashes flutter as I realize what I was about to say. I amend, “I care deeply about your son. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be with him. After everything we’ve been through, Chance has proven himself to be trustworthy, dependable, and disciplined. I don’t know what your intention was inviting Fina but?—”
“Darling, do you think I have so much time to waste as to sabotage my son’s relationship with you?”
She cackles and I start to feel very, very foolish for thinking I could confront her and win.