“I’ll have to check my schedule, Chance. You know this is an awfully busy season for me. You understand, don’t you?” Her cooing tone has a steel band beneath the surface.
“Your mother can’t sit still for a minute.” Randal pats her hand affectionately. “April, Chance, why don’t you stay with us tonight?”
My jaw drops.
Chance lifts both eyebrows.
“In separate rooms, of course.” Randal grins. “If you’re at home, we’ll be sure to spend some quality time together in between your mother’s appointments.”
“Er, I don’t know about that,” Corinth hedges.
“I don’t mind.” Chance looks down at me. “Tink?”
The thought of sleeping under the same roof as Chance makes me nervous, but I figure it’s not so different from sleeping under the same roof in a hotel. Plus, a hotel doesn’t have Randal’s fleet of impressive vintage cars.
“Okay.” I agree.
Annoyance flashes over Corinth’s face before she tucks it away like a seasoned pro and nods along. “Lovely. I’ll see you at home then, son. April. Randal, this way.”
“That’s my cue.” Randal laughs good-naturedly and follows his wife.
Chance blows out a breath.
“Were you that nervous?” I tease, although to be fair, I’d been on pins and needles the entire time too.
“That went better than I expected.”
“What did you expect? A mud fight?”
A faint, half-grin tugs at his lips. He runs a thumb down my cheek. “You’re staying over tonight, huh?”
“I am taking the guestroom at yourparents’house,” I correct him as my insides quake at his touch.
“It’s alsomyhouse. Since I grew up there. And my bedroom is…” he presses his cheek to mine, “right upstairs.”
My heart thuds so loudly, I’m sure it can be heard above the live jazz music. The word ‘bed’ and ‘room’ should never leave Chance’s mouth while he’s looking at me like that.
“Why is it so hot in here?” I fan my face, stepping away.
Chance laughs, eyes sparkling harder than the chandeliers. “I’ll get you something to drink. I’m guessing you’re okay with sparkling cider?”
I nod.
He struts away and I can’t help watching him.
Half the room can’t help watching him.
He’s a magnificent human being, inside and out.
But especially out.
Rather than brush his hair back like many of the guys did tonight, Chance’s hair is effortlessly wind-swept with just a few pieces hanging strategically over his strong forehead to hint at an intentional style.
The haircut highlights his square jaw and side profile that has been the inspiration of many an online fangirl.
Not to mention, Chance McLanely’s broad shoulders were made for hockey uniforms and tuxes.
As I’m drooling over him, Chance turns back to look at me. It’s too late to pretend I wasn’t staring and I note the quick concern that flickers over his face before he realizes that I’m just ogling him because he’s unfairly beautiful.