Page 141 of Ice Mechanic

“Because, from what I hear,” the woman meets my eyes, “you’re a real good mechanic.”

Rebel cranes her neck to look over at us.

May’s smile tweaks to a hundred-megawatt grin. “That she is,” my sister says, tilting her chin up. “By chance, have you brought your car to their garage?”

“Not me. My sister-in-law. I don’t know if you remember her,” the woman says.

I glance over at Rebel.

My best friend hikes her shoulders and does a little shake of her head.

“Well, anyway, she was having lots of trouble with her car and every mechanic she went to couldn’t fix the issue. Evenworse, some of them straight up scammed her.” The woman gets teary-eyed, “My brother, uh, my brother died a few years back so it’s just been his wife and their kids. I’m the only one of my family who lives close to her.”

I nod in understanding.

Rebel abandons the clothing rack and moves closer to hear the woman’s story.

“She’s had a lot on her plate and the car breaking down was just the last straw. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any mechanic who would take us seriously. The moment we walked into a garage, all the mechanic saw was two clueless women and… well, you know how the story goes.”

I purse my lips, wishing it were different. It’s no secret that some unsavory mechanics take advantage of women who come to the shop alone. It’s why I always advise my female friends to bring a man with them when they visit a mechanic, even if that man knows nothing about auto repair.

“Anyway,” she waves a hand, “long story short, my sister-in-law felt safe dealing with your garage. She said you were patient while explaining what her car needed and that, when you pointed out everything that was wrong, she didn’t feel like you were trying to overcharge or scam her.”

“I’m really happy to hear that,” I say, smiling wide for the first time since Rebel and May trapped me in this shopping mall.

The woman clears her throat and says sheepishly, “Oh, look at me yapping. I do have a habit of oversharing, but what a miracle that you just happened to walk into my shop after doing that for us. I’m so grateful that I can’t keep it in.” She rubs her hands together. “Now, tell me what you’re looking for.”

“The thing is… I’m going to a party,” I explain.

“A really fancy party with lots of fancy folks,” May adds.

The woman sizes me up. “Are you a dress gal or a pantsuit gal?”

“I feel like dresses aren’t as comfortable, but I’m a little too shy to wear a pantsuit for an occasion like that.”

“You’re not the bold type?” She teases.

I shake my head ‘no’.

“I got just the thing.”

The woman disappears into the back and returns with a beautiful navy outfit. The filmy material is loose with an incandescent shine that feels almost fairylike and I immediately think of Chance teasing me about truly being a fairy when he sees me in it.

“At first glance, it looks like a dress with a soft silhouette, but check this out.” She separates the material at the bottom and I gasp. The woman laughs at my reaction. “It’s just fancy pants, ain’t it?”

“That’s super cute!” Rebel chirps.

“Try it on!” May pushes me toward the dressing room.

I shimmy into the jumpsuit and immediately feel comfortable. While the red dress from my first Lucky Striker’s game had been flashier and more attention-grabbing, it hadn’t felt likeme.

“I like it,” I say the minute I step out of the dressing room.

“Whoa.” Rebel nods in appreciation. “It fits you so well.”

“That color looks amazing on you!” the woman tells me.

May takes a picture and the ‘click’ is loud in the silence.