Page 121 of Ice Mechanic

“I just… wanted to remind you that you shouldn’t believe everything you see online.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!“I’m not an idiot, Chance. I’m well aware of that.”

I’m not one to hold my tongue. However, Ineedto be cautious. If April hasn’t seen the articles about Fina, I don’t want to alert her. And if she has, I want to assure her that the pictures are nothing but an empty publicity grab.

The banging stops and April’s voice sounds closer to the phone. “Did you get to celebrate with the team tonight?”

“Absolutely not. I called you right after the game. I didn’t even shower,” I answer firmly.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Shower?” I force a chuckle. “Are you saying I have permission to stink?—”

“You don’t have to report to me after every game.”

I’m so stunned, it takes me a minute to answer.

“I’m not ‘reporting’ to you, April. I enjoy talking to you. There’s no one else I’d rather be speaking with right now.”

“Really?No oneelse?”

There’s an undercurrent of accusation here.

I’m swimming in dangerous waters.

I lean against the wall and rub my eyes. “You saw the articles about Fina.”

“That Russian social media model who wears bikinis in the winter? Never heard of her.”

“Then how do you know she’s Russian and an underwear model?”

“Maybe I’m a fan.”


There’s a long silence.

I break it first. “There’s nothing going on between me and Fina. We hung out once or twice a few years ago, but we were never that serious. I haven’t seen or spoken to her since?—”

“Like I said, you don’t have to explain anything to me.”

“I know it bothers you.”

“It doesn’t bother me.”

“Then why are you in the garage beating the living daylights out of an engine? April, there’s no need to be jealous?—”

“I amnotjealous?”

“But youareangry.”

“I’m numb, Chance. Totally and completely numb. I know how men are. I grew up around mechanics and if you thinklocker room talk is indecent, you haven’t heard a garage full of sweaty, oil-stained men. I told you before that I’m not a dainty little flower. I’m well-aware of the reality of the world. So you don’t have to console me. Whatever you’re doing on the road, it’s none of my business.”

“I haven’t done anything?—”

“Don’t bother. It’s not like I’m there with you to verify anything, so I’d rather we don’t waste each other’s time.”

I really,reallydon’t like the sound of that.