Derek doesn’t seem to mind my silence. “Holding back was the right move. Everyone’s saying you’ve been rehabilitated by love. Cheesy, right? But hey, cheesy sells. And that’s not all, Chance. Some big players are taking notice of you. Did you see Spellman tweeting about the game tonight? He’s got lots of clout with the league.”
“Yeah?” I click the indicator, driving down an uneven, gravel path.
“Mark my words. You’ll kick that team of nobodies to the curb and fly back to the top in no time. I’m telling you. I can smell the blood in the water already.”
I cringe at the term ‘nobodies’. Theilan, Renthrow and Gunner played far too skillfully tonight for that.
My tires spit gravel as I park the Lambo in front of a modest bungalow. Warm yellow lights glow from the porch and an old, sturdy tree stands guard. Leaves dance gently in the breeze. May’s bike leans against the front porch that wraps around the side.
“Derek, I’m at April’s. I gotta go.”
“Tell her I said hi,” Derek croons.
Yeah, I don’t think April would receive Derek’s greetings kindly.
“And buy that girl something nice, Chance. She’s playing her part to a T.” He snickers. “Who knew there was such a stunner under all those baggy clothes?”
I bristle.
Derek says goodbye and hangs up before I can call him out.
He’s not the only one making comments about April’s appearance. The woman sent a ripple through the entire stadium, which was probably the point. That red dress was designed to be noticed.
But I don’t particularly like the way she’s popping up on so many radars.
Especially when those radars belong to eligible bachelors.
The whole town is mesmerized, as if they’ve never seen her before. But the thing is,Isaw her before. And I thought she was jaw-droppingly gorgeous with curly hair and over-alls too.
The front door opens.
April stalks down the stairs and I scramble out of the car, hurrying to open the passenger door for her. She hasn’t changedout of the dress and I’m surprised by that. I thought she’d switch into something more comfortable as soon as she went home.
Not that I’m complaining.
My eyes slide over that mouth-watering outfit. The fabric is shiny and soft and it hugs her in all the right ways. The dress, paired with her fancy straight hair, makes me feel like I’m with someone totally different.
April stares at the ground and I know I should say something, but my eyes catch on her mouth and my steps falter.
Soft. Subtle. Pink in the moonlight.
I think I’m obsessed…
When we kissed earlier, her lips were a bright burning red that singed right past my skin to my heart. She left her mark. Literally. I had to wipe her lipstick off my mouth during the post-game conference.
“Hey.” April pauses. Her eyes shift to my T-shirt and jeans. Back-pedalling, she gives my outfit a long scan. “You’re casual.”
“And you’re…”Hot enough to burn a cat’s paws on the sidewalk.“Not,” I finish lamely. Realizing how unimpressed I sound, I clear my throat. “I mean, you look amazing.”
Her eyebrows knit.
I cringe.Real smooth, Chance.
“I mean it. You look beautiful.”
“It’s the makeup.” She waves a hand in front of her face. “Take me swimming and I turn back into a pumpkin.”
A frown crosses my mouth. Why does April seem on edge tonight?