Page 70 of Oh, Flutz!


“Who’s Alex staying with?”

Dad frowns. “How should I know? She didn’t say.”

“There’s only three options, Dad. It’s either Sofi, Eleni or Emma. She wouldn’t have gone out without telling anyone.”

“Well, she didn’t ask me. If you know so much, how come you don’t know?”

“I’ve been gone all day, in case you didn’t know that, either.”Go away. Go away. Go away.

He almost smirks. “You’ve been gone a lot lately, haven’t you? You haven’t bothered to come see me or your mother. Busy with training?”

How is it that he can say something so normal and make it sound like he’s saying I should die in a hole? Or, better yet, make mefeellike I should die in a hole.

Who am I kidding. He doesn’t have to say anything for that to happen.

I force myself to breathe normally. “Why are you here, Dad? Don’t you have class?”

“I cancelled.”

That means he had an appointment today. See, I could ask how it went, but that would just make him pissed off at me, and then I’d never be able to get out of here, so I keep my mouth shut. “Okay.”

My father tilts his head at me, looking like he’s trying to figure something out as he wheels closer. Which is weird, considering he’s never cared before. More than likely, he’s just trying to calculate how he can pick me apart and say something that’ll really get under my skin. “What’s her name?”


“The girl. Your partner. The one who’s making you so crazy.”

Why the hell does he care? And why the hell is he asking this now? I’ve already been skating with her for six months. We’ve already competed. Guess that just proves he never watches. “Her name is Katya. Ekaterina.”

“Interesting. And she was the Worlds silver medalist last year, isn’t that right?”

“Yeah. She’s been first or second the last couple years.”What is he getting at?“Why?”

“No reason. Just wondering how a girl like that would end up stuck with you, is all.”

I almost laugh. “Thanks, Dad. And you wonder why I haven’t come to see you.”

“It isn’t a totally unreasonable question, Bryan. Did something happen to make her team not want her anymore?”

I don’t like what he’s implying. “Katya’s an incredible skater, if that’s what you want to know.”

“I’m sure she is, but if she got knocked down this many pegs, she’s got to be damaged goods.”

Damaged goods?Who the hell does he think he is? “Careful, Dad.” I try to keep my voice even, but it comes with the price of curling my fists tight behind my back. “That’s my partner you’re talking about.”

“So that’s a yes, I take it?”

I scoff. “You can take it as whatever you want. You haven’t even asked about me and her this entire time, and all of a sudden you want to know whether she’sdamaged goods?”

He narrows his sharp blue eyes at me behind his wire-framed glasses. “Watch your tone, kid. I’m trying to look out for you here.”

“Are you? Because you don’t know anything about her, and you barely even know me, anyway, so don’t pretend like you give a shit. Because we both know you don’t.” I try to swallow, but my throat’s gone thick. “And don’t call mekid. I’m not a kid.”

“Well, you’re sure as hell acting like one.”

“I’m not!” I burst out despite myself, voice going desperately high, and his lips curl.